Re: Some Refactoring Notes

On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 02:05, Timothy Musson wrote:

> Gnect's AI is the "Velena Engine", written by Giuliano Bertoletti. The
> original code, and some notes, can be found here:

That kind of implies there is special case handling rather than straight
minimax, since it discusses an opening book.  Chess is probably another
circumstance where you want to either use an external engine, or
alternatively provide an opening book and ad hoc endgame play.

This perhaps illustrates that while AI can to some degree be shared
between the games, it might often be a good idea to allow a different AI
to be usable instead.

Though in GNect's case, I find it quite a hard AI even at the lowest
level, although maybe that's just because I can't be bothered thinking
hard (but that doesn't stop me winning at Ataxx and Iagno).  Might be
worth having a rudimentary Minimax as a lowest level of GNect - or maybe
I'm just dumb at GNect.

         Matthew Tuck: Software Developer & All-Round Nice Guy        
 My Short Autobiography: 1985 Grade Bin Monitor 1990 Class Clown Award
1992 Awarded Most Likely To Spontaneously Combust 1996 Crowned Galactic
         Emperor 1998 Released From Smith Psychiatric Hospital

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