Re: Gnect cleanup

Callum McKenzie, 2003-06-09 15:41:42 +1200:
> In theory there is a feature freeze from the 9th (which I take from
> the most lenient time-zone: Samoa, so it's the 10th for Tim and me)
> So the answer is "go ahead" if:
> You feel really confident it won't break.

It needs more testing than I can give it, so that's a vote of no
confidence from me.

> It doesn't do vast changes to the graphics files.

There are changes to the graphics files, yes (though no growth in total
file size).

> The current "focus" of gnome-games work is to make the games
> consistent and bug-free. Major code cleanup, refactoring and new
> features are not the priority but in the end cleaner code is always
> welcome.  2.5 will be where we really break things  :).

That sounds good to me!

2.5 is where gnect's cleanup belongs.

Your reply was exactly what I needed - thanks, Callum :)


Timothy Musson
trmusson ihug co nz

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