is up

hi guys/girls
I just got a mail from the streaming company saying that the subdomain is up and that they have made the skeleton for the
streaming site. I am going to have a meeting with them next week so if
there is anything special I shall tell them, then please tell me now.
the site design vil be 90% like the site at but they need
some minor changes to get it to fit their needs - I told them that this
was ok.

Stuff I know they will ask about:

money (are they getting their travel expenses paid or not)
Equipment (what to take along)
Design (what to have on the server)
prices (what to charge for a stream)
helpers(how many helpers)
cameras(how many cameras do we have sofar)
storage(the streams takes up alot of space - where to put it)
sponsor(what do they get for their help, banner, asponsor site, ?)

and probably alot more. Please help me answering these questions.



[     - En nørds bekendelser!            ]
[ - tapas, beer and gnome to the people    ]

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