Re: Previewing on-line forms for travel data

On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 02:23, Tim Ney wrote:
> Hi Rodrigo,

sorry for answering so late, I've been out of town

> I'm getting various side mails about travel subsidy requests, so it
> would be good to
> get these into the database, outputted into gnumeric and totalled.
heh, you can just use the libgda ( plugin to get
the data from the database. I can do it if nobody has the GDA plugin
installed, since I've got it. But of course, I suggest people to install
it, your life will be easier :-)

> I don't think the log-in & password format is consistent with Amy's 
> schematic yet, doesn't that use an e-mail address as ID? 
> Can you help out Jaime on this?  A lot seems to fall  on his shoulders.
yes, Jaime knows that he can't count on the people whenever
he needs us.

So please Jaime, just send us a mail or drop by IRC and tell us what you

Rodrigo Moya <> - <> -

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