libxml2 2.9.3

About libxml2

Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome
project (but usable outside of the Gnome platform), it is free
software available under the MIT License. XML itself is a metalanguage
to design markup languages, i.e. text language where semantic and
structure are added to the content using extra "markup" information
enclosed between angle brackets. HTML is the most well-known markup
language. Though the library is written in C a variety of language
bindings make it available in other environments.

Libxml2 is known to be very portable, the library should build and
work without serious troubles on a variety of systems (Linux, Unix,
Windows, CygWin, MacOS, MacOS X, RISC Os, OS/2, VMS, QNX, MVS,
VxWorks, ...)

======== (3.17M)
  sha256sum: 879062af262692afdee563e351f6e725e771d57c185e7ddc6247eb3328af4d20

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