librsvg 2.51.2


This release fixes an important bug about text spacing.  The bug fix
requires an update to at least Pango 1.44.  Sorry for the increased

Librsvg now supports most of the filter function shortcuts in SVG2;
see below.

Previously, librsvg picked up the user's language preferences through
environment variables like LANG and LC_MESSAGES.  This is inconvenient
for applications that call rsvg-convert but don't want to synthesize a
LANG variable.

There is a new option in rsvg-convert so you can pass
--accept-language=<languages> formatted as an HTTP Accept-Language
header.  This is used to specify which languages will be chosen from
elements with the "systemLanguage" attribute:

    rsvg-convert --accept-language=es-MX,en foo.svg

That command will select Mexican Spanish and English from suitable SVG
elements.  Please see the man page for details.

- The Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) is now Rust 1.51.

- Librsvg now requires at least Pango 1.44.

- #730 - Incorrect text spacing when the transform is not 1:1.  You
  can see this when a small font-size is scaled up due to a
  transform.  It is less visible for a large font-size scaled down.

- #709 #710 #712 714 #715 #716 #717 - The "filter" attribute now
  accepts lists of "<filter-function>" per SVG2.  There is support for
  blur(), contrast(), grayscale(), invert(), opacity(), saturate(),
  sepia() (John Ledbetter).

- #356 - Add --accept-language option to rsvg-convert.

- #704 - Fix circle/ellipse in paths when they are made out of a
  single Arc command.

- #691 - Don't allow number lists with unbounded lengths in
  tableValues attributes, for feComponentTransfer and
  feConvolveMatrix (Madds H).

- #718 - Negative rx/ry in rect element should be ignored.

- #687 - Reduce memory pressure when rendering text.

- Fix build on 32-bit ARM (Lovell Fuller).

- Update the Rust crate dependencies (Bastien Orivel).

- Refactoring parsers (Paolo Borelli).

- There is a new list of librsvg releases with security fixes in  That file also contains security-related information
  on librsvg's dependencies.

Special thanks to John Ledbetter for carefully implementing each of
the new shortcuts for filter functions in SVG2.

======== (22.1M)
  sha256sum: 6b80840ef3e4724624e715398bb4470fa68368943cdbd507e681708bbe32b289

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