gnome-initial-setup 40.beta


* Completing GNOME Initial Setup no longer triggers GNOME Tour. GNOME Shell 40
  now prompts new and upgrading users to run the tour. (#120)

* Previous versions of Initial Setup would run the first time a user logs in
  ("existing user" mode) as well as when the system is booted with no users
  ("new user" mode). Initial Setup no longer displays any UI in "existing user"
  mode, to avoid colliding with the tour. The mode has not been removed in code
  – a simple check has been added to the main() function. If your distribution
  needs the old behaviour, this check can be patched out. The hope is that a
  future version of GNOME will restore "existing user" mode, but run Initial
  Setup from the same cut-down Shell that is used in "new user" mode. (#120)

* Initial Setup's .desktop file is now installed to @datadir@/applications
  (i.e. /usr/share/applications) rather than a GDM-specific directory. This
  means its icon is displayed correctly when run within a normal shell session.
  Some distros have previously worked around this issue by installing a
  symbolic link. (The astute reader may note that this is a no-op given the
  previous bullet point, but it is still a nice clean-up.) (#52)

* Translation updates:
 - Panjabi
 - Portuguese

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  sha256sum: 3b485043b0249850f91a0e0bc8aa1073c5d03a6ad5517c75120c68f88b611c95

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