libgda 6.0.0


 - MySQL: now supports version 8.0
 - PostgreSQL now support GdaText values, so take care because some SELECT operations
   concatenating strings return GdaText values instead of strings.
 - Lot of memory leaks fixed
 - Added a new module named GdaDB... to simplify DDL operations
 - Added database generation from an XML file (GdaDBCatalog)
 - Updated internal SQLite3 version
 - Added "exxamples" directory as a target to be built (work in progress)
 - Numerous improvements in CI organization.
 - Documentation reorganisation and porting to the new format (in progress)
 - Code modernized for multiple objects
 - Added new API for GdaConnection object
 - Added uniform LOG_DOMAIN usage between translation units
 - Added Uniform debug code generation
 - Eliminated multiple static global variable
 - Improved code quality for libgda to use -Werror
 - Multiple code improvements, formation, and corrections
 - Batch parsing, should remove spacesa and enters before return next statement,
   fix #203
 - Only PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite providers are supported
 - Improved Meson options name and behavior
 - Updated translations:
        - sr       Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic rocketmail com>
        - uk       Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor ukr net>
        - ca       Jordi Mas <jmas softcatala org>
        - cs       Marek Černocký <marek cernocky advantech com>
        - pt_BR    Rafael Fontenelle <rafaelff gnome org>
        - es       Daniel Mustieles <daniel mustieles gmail com>
        - hu       Balázs Úr <balazs urbalazs hu>
        - id       Andika Triwidada <atriwidada gnome org>
        - sv       Josef Andersson <l10nl18nsweja gmail com>


libgda 5.91.0
 - Added support for PostgreSQL version up to 11.0
 - Added new GdaText type for large texts types support
 - Added new GdaHandlerText type for large texts types handler support
 - Added new GdaDataModelSelect objects replacing GdaDataSelect's rerun()
 - GdaHandler now supports value transformation, if possible, before set it
 - Ported almost all public API to use g_autoptr() and remove public private struct
 - GdaHolder now is GdaAttributeManager free, replaced by GObect properties
 - GdaTime ported to GDateTime, with improved time handling and defaulting to UTC time
 - Fixed segfaults
 - Fixed meta data generation engine
 - Fixed PostgresSQL provider meta data generation integration
 - Fixed open connections to SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL providers
 - Blacklisted providers: FireBird, Oracle, Java ODBC, MS Access, BDB, LDAP, MySQL
 - Fixed warnings
 - Removed Autotools (was 89479e9d2372177036d2d0f6b01a50e5f21d076f 05 april 2019)
 - Simplified providers plugin system
 - Many memory leaks fixes
 - Aisolate LDAP as a provider, no more in main library
 - Fixed documentation generation using meson
 - Removed Autotools build system
 - Added experimental features, use -Denable-experimental=true to use them

libgda-ui 5.91.0
 - Ported almost all public API to use g_autoptr() and remove public private struct
 - Fixed segfaults
 - GDA Browser is now able to open and use connections to supported providers
 - GDA Control Center now is able to create Data Sources
 - Fixed warnings
 - Replaced deprated GTK+ 3.0 API
 - Moved as a experimental features


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  sha256sum: 995f4b420e666da5c8bac9faf55e7aedbe3789c525d634720a53be3ccf27a670

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