NetworkManager 1.28.2


Overview of changes since NetworkManager-1.28.0

* Fix delay in activating Wi-Fi connections after wake-up
* Fix requesting DHCPv6 prefixes in stateless mode
* Fix crash evaluating match setting properties (CVE-2021-20297)
* Don't artificially extend the lifetime of DNSSL/RDNSS IPv6 options
  from router advertisements
* Fix configuring a large number of allowed-ips on WireGuard link
* Clean ovs interfaces previously created by NM at startup
* initrd: add support for
* initrd: apply the MTU from bond= argument to the bond connection
* initrd: fix crash parsing empty rd.znet argument
* cloud-setup: fix replacing IPv4 addresses during update
* Other bug fixes and improvements

======== (4.97M)
  sha256sum: 451a35e075b01d5691a03592af24386e0f6e1ea1b5fc81cff347233042852158

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