eog 3.38.1


Bug fixes:

 !77, Refresh thumbnail when delete image from file manager (Krifa75)
 !81, Free file_list if reopen in single-window (Krifa75)
 #154, Assertion failed when rotate and save the same image multiple times

New and updated translations:

- Jordi Mas [ca]
- Yosef Or Boczko [he]
- Cheng-Chia Tseng [zh_TW]

New and updated manual translations

- Jordi Mas [ca]
- scootergrisen [da]
- Charles Monzat [fr]
- Andika Triwidada [id]

https://download.gnome.org/sources/eog/3.38/eog-3.38.1.tar.xz (3.49M)
  sha256sum: b71dc961c277effa70dbd466657a81585f52ee8b35bc6e9da20c993568740cf7

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