cantarell-fonts 0.200

About Cantarell Fonts

The Cantarell font family is a contemporary Humanist sans serif
originally designed for on-screen reading by Dave Crossland.

You are invited to extend them to meet your needs, such as to add the
glyphs missing from your own writing systems, under the terms of the


- (The design points below are mostly the result of design reviews by Alexei
  Vanyashin, Jacques Le Bailly and Stephen Nixon, in no particular order).
- Respacing of uppercase letters in the regular master and complete thin and
  extra bold masters. Uppercase letters space better next to lowercase letters
  now. Cyrillics are more consistently spaced.
- Tweak numerals some. Especially the "one" and fractions.
- Various tweaks to various shapes across the board, especially symbols. Braces
  are curlier now. Detail tweaks to Cyrillics.
- Basic mathy symbols and currency symbols now have tabular number width. I found
  no advantage to having proportional variants.
- Removed .tosf numerals. Fiddly work without clear purpose.
- Experimental alternative form of "l" without the tail, contributed by Jacques
  Le Bailly. Accessible via the ss01 feature.
- Added variable font, CFF2 flavor. postscriptBlueFuzz is set to 1 explicitly
  to avoid rounding issues with blue zone coverage in FreeType.
- Removed f-ligatures without their own Unicode code points, as the design doesn't
  currently need them. They were mainly added to fill up the Google glyph set.
- The following glyphs now represent more than one Unicode code point to keep the
  glyph view tidier:
    emdash: U+2014, U+2015
    emspace: U+2001, U+2003
    enspace: U+2000, U+2002
    hyphen: U+002D, U+00AD, U+2010, U+2011
    space: U+0020, U+00A0
  In PDFs where the generator removed the text stream, copy-paste may lead to the
  others turning into the first. Meh.
- Filled in hryvnia (U+20B4), tugrik (U+20AE) and tenge (U+20B8).
- Static fonts use same rounding method as varLib uses for the variable font.
- Fixed Ustraight-cy (U+04AE), ustraight-cy (U+04AF), Ustraightstroke-cy
  (U+04B0), ustraightstroke-cy (U+04B1), they didn't have a proper production
  name before and may not have been properly accessible.
- Removed some building components that made it into the final font.
- Limited anchor propagation to letters, excluding ligatures. Generate GDEF
  table properly.
- Set one simple `gasp` table for hinted display for e.g. Windows.
- Removed `ccmp` from the `aalt` lookup.
- The OS/2 table fsType now says that no Digital Rights Management is applied
  to the fonts, the name table now says the fonts are OFL 1.1 licensed.
- Internal housekeeping: Sources are stored in the open UFO and Designspace format
  now, with various cleanups like removed unused layers.
- Internal housekeeping: Removed composite diacritics that served no design purpose.

======== (218K)
  sha256sum: a30131f7ab9d78e70415a7f601cbcc443ff5bcc44b0332ddc84d8624ba177661

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