gnome-maps 3.36.2

About gnome-maps

Map application based on OpenStreetMap map data


Changes since 3.36.1
 - Don't reset query points when routing fails (e.g. no public transit provider
   is available) to allow switching mode with the same query
 - Fix a bug not displaying tiles south of the equator when using --local
 - Allow entering DMS coordinates without comma between latitude and logitude

Added/updated/fixed translations
 - Korean
 - Slovenian
 - Chinese (Taiwan)

All contributors to this release
Cheng-Chia Tseng <pswo10680 gmail com>
Jeeyong Um <conr2d gmail com>
Marcus Lundblad <ml update uu se>
Matej Urbančič <mateju svn gnome org>

======== (3.82M)
  sha256sum: 5ba219b9de98678cefa5848f6538db8dbd07f6c747fd43a99167a266878a9784

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