gobject-introspection 1.63.1

About GObject Introspection

GObject introspection provides tools and libraries to help manage its
common metadata format for representing GObject-based C APIs, designed
for bindings, documentation tools and API verification.


* Update glib annotations (:user:`Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz>`)
* build: require meson 0.50.1
* build: use proper dylib versioning on macOS :mr:`177` (:user:`Tom Schoonjans  <tschoonj>`)
* scanner: Support array arguments with static keyword :mr:`176` (:user:`Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi>`)
* website: Add Ruby-GNOME to user list :mr:`178` (:user:`kojix2`)
* Fix non-libtool code being run with no nob-libtool dependencies :mr:`179` (:user:`Alistair Buxton 
* meson: change "cairo" from a boolean to a feature option :mr:`180`
* meson: change "doctool" from a boolean to a feature option :mr:`181`
* Fix a memory leak in g_irepository_get_object_gtype_interfaces() :mr:`182` (:user:`Philip Chimento 
* ccompiler.py: Fix macro defines with quotes on MSVC :mr:`183` (:user:`Chun-wei Fan <fanc999>`)
* tests: Actually test libregress by specifying the LD_LIBRARY_PATH :mr:`174` (:user:`Corentin Noël <tintou>`)
* examples: Make self contained and add build system integration examples :mr:`189`
* autotools: Make INTROSPECTION_GIRDIR/INTROSPECTION_TYPELIBDIR respect prefix/datadir/libdir :mr:`190`
* girepository: Also store GType cache misses :mr:`191` (:user:`Carlos Garnacho <carlosg>`)
* docs: Document GI_CROSS_LAUNCHER envvar :mr:`175` (:user:`Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi>`)

https://download.gnome.org/sources/gobject-introspection/1.63/gobject-introspection-1.63.1.tar.xz (964K)
  sha256sum: 476379bde8d080d92dd1bb1684f6aa8d79d90ddb81fc85dfa3576e36f9777ab6

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