
About GNOME Boxes

A simple GNOME 3 application to access remote or virtual systems


This is an emergency release to workaround problems
users can have with 3D acceleration

Changes since 3.32.0

  - Offer option to disable 3D acceleration
  - Added/updated/fixed translations:
    - Brazilian Portuguese
    - Lithuanian
    - Finnish
    - Hungarian
    - Slovenian
    - Turkish
    - Dutch
    - Danish
    - Korean
    - Galician
    - Romanian

All contributors to this release:

Aurimas ÄŒernius <aurisc4 gmail com>
Ask Hjorth Larsen <asklarsen gmail com>
Balázs Úr <balazs urbalazs hu>
Daniel Șerbănescu <daniel serbanescu dk>
Felipe Borges <felipeborges gnome org>
Fran Dieguez <frandieguez gnome org>
Jiri Grönroos <jiri gronroos iki fi>
Nathan Follens <nfollens gnome org>
Matej Urbančič <mateju svn gnome org>
Rafael Fontenelle <rafaelff gnome org>
Sabri Ãœnal <libreajans gmail com>
Seong-ho Cho <shcho gnome org>

======== (1.12M)
  sha256sum: 041d4b03915e3b618ee7749ac52d9149393b1f88dad1e39a3ff31a85f0b8e4fa

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