evolution-data-server 3.31.90

About evolution-data-server

Centralized access to appointments and contacts


Bug Fixes:
        I#70 - Add camel-autocleanups header (Corentin Noël)
        I#71 - Add e-backend-autocleanups header (Corentin Noël)
        I#73 - Add e-dataserver-autocleanups header (Corentin Noël)
        I#75 - Sometimes fails to properly decrypt large GPG encrypted messages (Milan Crha)
        I#79 - [Camel] Threading view depends on message order (Milan Crha)
        I#81 - Pops up a reminder of a deleted instance of a recurring event (Milan Crha)
        I#82 - Use uppercase in MIME-Version 1.0 header (Milan Crha)

        Remove some duplicated #define-s with developer documentation comments (Milan Crha)
        De-deprecate camel_folder_info_build() (Milan Crha)
        [libebackend] Do not define autoptr for deprecated EOfflineListener (Milan Crha)
        [EBookBackendSExp] Skip PHOTO attribute in "Any field contains" search (Milan Crha)
        Add also $PREFIX/share/gir-1.0 into g-ir-scanner arguments (Milan Crha)

        Jordi Mas (ca)
        Charles Monzat (fr)
        Daniel Mustieles (es)
        Kukuh Syafaat (id)
        Balázs Úr (hu)

https://download.gnome.org/sources/evolution-data-server/3.31/evolution-data-server-3.31.90.tar.xz (4.35M)
  sha256sum: a309b370360426375ef2cbf3dd8004438c6546f4da452e089d0e6946b8532734

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