librsvg 2.43.2

About librsvg

librsvg is a library to render SVG documents into GdkPixbuf images or
Cairo contexts in general. It is used throughout GNOME to render
things like scalable icons, from image viewers to view SVGs easily, or
to generate thumbnails for SVG files.


- All the filter effects have been ported to Rust as part of Ivan
  Molodetskikh's Summer of Code project!!!!!
- We now require Rust 1.26.
- We now include Rust debug information even in release builds, to make it
  easier to obtain stack traces.
- Fix #310 - Respect DPI in the font-size property (Mike Marcacci).
- Fix: draw the circle/ellipse elements with the same orientation as
  the SVG 1.1 test suite; this is relevant for stroke-dasharray (Ivan
- Refactoring of the drawing code and font sizes (Paolo Borelli).
- New filters in Rust: feConvolveMatrix, feColorMatrix, feMorphology,
  feDisplacementMap, feGaussianBlur, feDistantLight, feSpotLight,
  fePointLight, feTile.
- Updated Rust dependencies (Igor Gnatenko).

=========  (37.0K)

======== (9.21M)
  sha256sum: 6c43e82d2c6214694d04d702baf3a628fedf6da12c27b7b2c7fc090d560d4f19

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