librsvg 2.45.2

About librsvg

librsvg is a library to render SVG documents into GdkPixbuf images or
Cairo contexts in general. It is used throughout GNOME to render
things like scalable icons, from image viewers to view SVGs easily, or
to generate thumbnails for SVG files.


- rsvg_cleaup() is now deprecated.  This was only meant to be called
  from code to be checked by Valgrind.  Leak checkers may show
  reachable memory from libxml2; real memory leaks should still be
  reported, of course.  (Kornel Lesiński).

- As an experimental change, librsvg no longer calls xmlInitParser()
  from libxml2.  Please tell us if this causes problems for
  multithreaded programs.

- Added g_warning()s to ensure the API is called in the correct

- The text handling code has been completely refactored and
  simplified.  This will allow us to implement the x/y/dx/dy
  properties for multiple glyphs in the future.  Please report any
  problems you experience in text rendering.

- Fix #385 - Don't crash if there is no rsvg_handle_write() before
- Fix #391 - Avoid undefined behavior when casting opaque pointers
  (Jordan Petridis).
- Fix crash when a linear RGB filter is followed by an SRGB filter
  (Ivan Molodetskikh).
- Fix #393 - Stack overflow when freeing thousands of sibling elements.
- Fix positioning of adjacent <tspan> elements.
- All the toplevel loading and drawing code is implemented in Rust now.
- Pixbuf conversion code is in Rust now (Paolo Borelli).
- Cleanups in the code for XML processing, markers, attributes (Paolo
- Many build/link fixes (Jordan Petridis).
- Cleanups in the code that calls libxml2 (Kornel Lesiński).

======== (13.0M)
  sha256sum: c0a7bc5fc3944a172f95fc3c2be024f7d00fc7eca7e8724f19b7545f77503e34

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