librsvg 2.41.1

About librsvg

librsvg is a library to render SVG documents into GdkPixbuf images or
Cairo contexts in general. It is used throughout GNOME to render
things like scalable icons, from image viewers to view SVGs easily, or
to generate thumbnails for SVG files.


- The feConvolveMatrix filter primitive wasn't being rendered at all;
  now it works.
- Pattern specifications can now have a fallback color, per the spec -
- Tests now use a very basic form of reproducible font rendering.
  This means that "make check" should pass even if you have a custom
  Fontconfig setup.
- Fixed recursive fallbacks in gradients.
- Per the spec, we now don't render elements which have invalid
- Windows build: support building with Fontconfig; support Visual
  Studio 2017; generate .pc files upon install (Chun-wei Fan)
- Fixed bgo#621088 - Text elements can now be used as clipping paths.
- Fixed bgo#587721 - Fix rendering of text elements with transformations
- Fixed bgo#776932 - Don't crash on elements with an invalid
  "transform" attribute.
- Fixed bgo#777155 - Ignore patterns that have close-to-zero dimensions.
- Fixed bgo#776297 - Don't render markers for rect / circle elements;
  fix marker angles in some cases (Massimo).
- Fixed bgo#777834 - Don't crash when rendering text with empty
- Fixed bgo#634324 - Gaussian blur with negative-scaling
  transformation was being rendered incorrectly.
- Fixed bgo#783835 - Don't divide by zero in Gaussian blurs
- Fixed division by zero in feTile filter when the input surface is
- Fixed bgo#779489 - Link to pangoft2 as required.
- Don't crash in filters when one of them yields an invalid surface
  for an intermediate result.
- Update for bgo#778666 - Use our own thumbnailer specification file
  (Jeremy Bicha).
- Fixed bgo#782098 - Don't pass deprecated options to gtkdoc-scangobj
  (Ting-Wei Lan).
- Fixed bgo#777833 - Various memory leaks (Philip Withnall, Federico Mena)
- Fixed bgo#786372 - Use the correct default for the style element's
  "type" attribute.
- Fixed bgo#634514 - Don't render unknown elements and their children.
- Fix parsing of "azimuth", "elevation", "limitingConeAngle" for
  filter effects.
- Fixed bgo#785276 - Don't crash on empty or single-byte files.
- Made the <switch> element work; SVG feature names were being
  tested incorrectly.
- Fixed a few cases of uninitialized struct fields.
- Code converted to Rust: preserveAspectRatio attribute, viewBox
  attribute, core Node structure, path/line/rect/circle/ellipse basic
  shapes, group/defs/switch/svg/use/symbol structural elements, pattern element
  and pattern fallbacks, marker rendering, various parsers, error
  propagation from parsers, gradient stops, gradient element, 
- Added a bunch of new test cases for the new features and the
  code converted to Rust.
- We now require cairo-rs 0.2.0
- We now require lalrpop 0.13.1
- The librsvg tarball now comes with the Rust dependencies embedded
  using "cargo vendor".  Linux distros can replace these dependencies
  with their own versions using the infrastructure described in

=========  (181K)

======== (3.95M)
  sha256sum: c1c3e76de68f8b7da3d88992cebab252a7e872818e892d7a56a9e89e44b298a0

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