tepl 2.99.2

About Tepl

Tepl is a library that eases the development of GtkSourceView-based
text editors and IDEs. Tepl is the acronym for “Text editor product


* The biggest change in this release is that the classes and functions related
  to actions and menus have been moved to a new shared library called Amtk
  (Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit), since it was not really related to text
  editors, it is more general. But Amtk is still developed inside the Tepl
  repository. Amtk is a basic GtkUIManager replacement based on GAction (still
  under development, it is not yet finished, for example it doesn't handle
* Add AmtkFactory and AmtkFactoryMenu, which replace

* Revamp TeplTab.
* Add TeplTabGroup interface.
* Add TeplNotebook that implements TeplTabGroup.
* Implement TeplTabGroup in TeplTab and TeplApplicationWindow.
* Start to implement the Edit menu: provide GActions and AmtkActionInfos for
  the cut, copy, paste, delete and select all actions.

* Improve TeplInfoBar.

https://download.gnome.org/sources/tepl/2.99/tepl-2.99.2.tar.xz (435K)
  sha256sum: 62d59b9c0c0f7f77f75918501d44d1617fa6e73cdaebe81f407090f73e3cac45

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