grilo-plugins 0.2.15

About grilo-plugins

A collection of plugins for the Grilo framework


  * Updated i18n
  * Lot of improvements in Lua Factory
  * Removed source (service shutdown)
  * Apple Trailers plugin ported to Lua
  * Pocket plugin ported to Lua

  * General
    * BGO#749063 - build: General and MAINTAINERCLEANFILES fixes

  * Apple Trailers plugin
    * BGO#752681 - Port Apple Trailers source to Lua

  * plugin
    * BGO#725031 - bliptv: Search return recent items' RSS instead of results

  * Bookmarks plugin
    * BGO#752066 - grl-bookmarks doesn't notify of removals

  * dLeyna plugin
    * BGO#749889 - dleyna: Fix grl_dleyna_util_uri_is_localhost() usage
    * BGO#749890 - dleyna: Fix incorrect properties passed to applications

  * DMAP plugin
    * BGO#746722 - Add DPAP (iPhoto sharing) plugin

  * Freebox plugin
    * BGO#745179 - radios.m3u missing in the 0.2.14 tarball, build fails.

  * Guardian Videos plugin
    * BGO#748224 - guardianvideos: fix URL format string
    * BGO#750990 - Fix unescaping Guardian Videos titles

  * Local Mmetadata plugin
    * BGO#746776 - local-metadata: Remove unused variable
    * BGO#748604 - local-metadata: Don't crash on files named wsb.wmv
    * BGO#752057 - local-metadata: Query for media art existence

  * Lua Factory plugin
    * BGO#741607 - WIP: Use lua to parse video titles
    * BGO#741784 - lua-factory: testing
    * BGO#747953 - Information leak via plain text HTTP connection
    * BGO#750903 - Make it easier to access the API key config
    * BGO#750955 - CRITICAL **: grl_l_callback: assertion 'os != NULL' failed
    * BGO#750982 - Better sandboxing
    * BGO#750983 - lua-factory: Add inspect.lua helper
    * BGO#750990 - Fix unescaping Guardian Videos titles
    * BGO#751786 - lua-factory: Fix possible memleak if source registration
    * BGO#751981 - Add support for GOA in lua-factory
    * BGO#752593 - lua-factory: Add support for dates in Epoch format
    * BGO#752594 - tests: Fix lua-factory Makefile generation
    * BGO#752595 - lua-factory: Add grl.is_video_site() function
    * BGO#752681 - Port Apple Trailers source to Lua
    * BGO#752895 - lua-factory: Also try convert HTML from ISO8859-1
    * BGO#752899 - lua-factory: Re-add "Music" GOA support

  * Magnatune plugin
    * BGO#751890 - Magnatune plugin doesn't invoke the callback in search
      operations with 0 result

  * Metrolyrics plugin
    * BGO#754275 - Fix metrolyrics source and test

  * OpenSubtitles plugin
    * BGO#754451 - Opensubtitles plugin causes many warnings

  * TheTVDB plugin
    * BGO#748422 - thetvdb: Make it possible to hit only cache
    * BGO#748423 - thetvdb: Fuzzy series name matching
    * BGO#754489 - thetvdb: use https rather than insecure http

  * Tracker plugin
    * BGO#733582 - rhythmbox crashes with SIGSEGV in
    * BGO#748173 - tracker: Do not advertise browse support for the Tracker
    * BGO#748539 - Eliminate duplicates in grl-tracker search results
    * BGO#753732 - tracker: track number is missing from grilo information

  * YouTube plugin
    * BGO#741634 - youtube: Home-made refcounting?!
    * BGO#748395 - Update libgdata API usage
    * BGO#754244 - Grilo YouTube plugin crash

  * Contributors to this release:
    Alberto Garcia <berto igalia com>
    Alexandre Franke <alexandre franke gmail com>
    Anders Jonsson <anders jonsson norsjovallen se>
    Andika Triwidada <andika gmail com>
    Ask H. Larsen <asklarsen gmail com>
    Aurimas ÄŒernius <aurisc4 gmail com>
    Balázs Úr <urbalazs gmail com>
    Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>
    Chao-Hsiung Liao <j_h_liau yahoo com tw>
    Claudio Arseni <claudio arseni gmail com>
    Colin Walters <walters verbum org>
    Daniel Mustieles <daniel mustieles gmail com>
    Dušan Kazik <prescott66 gmail com>
    Efstathios Iosifidis <iefstathios gmail com>
    Elad Alfassa <elad fedoraproject org>
    Fran Dieguez <fran dieguez mabishu com>
    George Sedov <radist morse gmail com>
    Gil Forcada <gforcada gnome org>
    Giovanni Campagna <gcampagn cs stanford edu>
    Iain Lane <iain orangesquash org uk>
    Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <dooteo zundan com>
    Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <jan steffens gmail com>
    Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting kde org>
    Jordi Mas <jmas softcatala org>
    Juan A. Suarez Romero <jasuarez igalia com>
    Marek Černocký <marek manet cz>
    Mathieu Duponchelle <mathieu duponchelle opencreed com>
    Necdet Yücel <necdetyucel gmail com>
    Olivier Crête <olivier crete collabora com>
    Paul Seyfert <pseyfert mathphys fsk uni-heidelberg de>
    Pedro Albuquerque <palbuquerque73 gmail com>
    Philip Withnall <philip tecnocode co uk>
    Philip Withnall <philip withnall collabora co uk>
    Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag gmail com>
    Rafael Ferreira <rafael f f1 gmail com>
    Samir Ribic <samir ribic etf unsa ba>
    Seong-ho Cho <shcho gnome org>
    Simon McVittie <simon mcvittie collabora co uk>
    Victor Toso <me victortoso com>
    W. Michael Petullo <mike flyn org>
    Xavier Claessens <xavier claessens collabora com>
    Yosef Or Boczko <yoseforb src gnome org>
    Yuri Myasoedov <ymyasoedov yandex ru>
    Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic rocketmail com>

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