gtk-mac-integration 2.0.8

About gtk-mac-integration

Gtk-mac-integration provides an add-on library which Gtk+ applications
can use to better integrate themselves into the Mac user environment,
including placing their menus on the Mac's single menubar, adding
items to the Dock menu, and bouncing the Dock icon for notifications.

 Gtk-mac-integration is licensed under the Gnu Lesser General Public
License, the same terms under whic Gtk+ is licensed.


Changes from version gtk-mac-integration-2.0.7 to version

* Provide a default gtk-mac-integration.pc, a copy of
      gtk-mac-integration-gtk2.pc unless gtk-mac-integration-gtk3.pc is the
      only version built. Applications are advised not to use it; it's only to
      avoid gratuitous breakage in single-gtk environments.
* Get GtkApplicationDelegate's application:openFile: handler to work at startup.
      It fires off the signal before the main loop has started, so stash the
      URI in a static for applicationDidFinishLaunching to fire the signal.
* Bug 744597 - Document that gtk_menu_reorder_child() doesn't update the menu.
* Update documents for current version of Gtk-Docs.
* Fix compile error on Leopard & Tiger.
* Minor build system improvements
* Make it possible to override libtoolize
* Get PyGObject-2.0's datadir from pkg-config
* Update .gitignore
* Fix autotools warnings and modernize some
* Use seperate configure flags for gtk2 and gtk3
      Changes --with-gtk=gtk2 (which was broken) to --with-gtk2 and --with-gtk3
      This allows you to build against both at the same time.
      None of the pkgconfig files should have been changed but there is only
      a single includedir now since they are the same.
* Use

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  sha256sum: 74fce9dbc5efe4e3d07a20b24796be1b1d6c3ac10a0ee6b1f1d685c809071b79

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