gupnp-tools 0.8.10

About GUPnP Tools

GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP
devices and control points, written in C using GObject and libsoup.
The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.

GUPnP Tools are free replacements of Intel UPnP tools that use GUPnP.
They provides the following client and server side tools which enable
one to easily test and debug one's UPnP devices and control points:

 * Universal Control Point: a tool that enables one to discover UPnP
devices and services, retrieve information about them, subscribe to
events and invoke actions.

 * Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points to
switch it on and off, change its dimming level and query its current
status. It also provides a simple UI to control all the network lights
available on the network.

 * AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables one to
discover and play multimedia contents available on a network. It is
strictly a control point and therefore does not have any playback
capabilities of it's own and relies on external UPnP MediaRenderer
devices for actual playback.

 * Upload: a simple command line utility that uploads files to known
MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering the

 * Discover: a simple command line utility to run a SSDP discovery on
the network.


Changes since 0.8.9:

- Remove checks for gnome-icon-theme
- Change icon loader behavior to not fail if there's no fall-back icons.

 - Remove deprecated GTK+ things.
 - Fix warning about transient dialogs.
 - Make it possible to call Play on folders if they expose resources.

 - Remove deprecated GTK+ things.

 - Add --message-type commandline option.

 - Fix critical on shut-down.
 - Print interface and IP used for uploading.

Changes in dependencies:
 - GTK+3 >= 3.10
 - Removed dependency to gnome-icon-theme.

Bugs fixed in this release:

All contributors to this release:
 - Jens Georg <mail jensge org>
 - Jussi Kukkonen <jku goto fi>
 - Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag gmail com>
 - Rafael Ferreira <rafael f f1 gmail com>
 - Matej Urbančič <mateju svn gnome org>
 - Daniel Mustieles <dnaiel mustieles gmail com>
 - Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic rocketmail com>
 - Tiago S <almosthumane portugalmail pt>
 - Samir Ribic <samir ribic etf unsa ba>
 - MarMav <mavridou gmail com>
 - Marek Černocký <marek manet cz>
 - Dušan Kazik <prescott66 gmail com>
 - Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar opensuse org>
 - Balázs Úr <urbalazs src gnome org>

Added/updated translations
 - bs, courtesy of Azra Jarebica
 - cs, courtesy of Marek Černocký
 - el, courtesy of Tom Tryfonidis
 - es, courtesy of Daniel Mustieles
 - hu, courtesy of Balázs Úr
 - pl, courtesy of Piotr DrÄ…g
 - pt_BR, courtesy of Rafael Ferreira
 - pt, courtesy of FULL NAME
 - sk, courtesy of Dušan Kazik
 - sl, courtesy of Matej Urbančič
 - sr, courtesy of Мирослав Николић
 - sr latin, courtesy of Miroslav Nikolić

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