tracker 1.1.1

About Tracker

Tracker is a semantic data storage for desktop and mobile devices.
Tracker uses W3C standards for RDF ontologies using Nepomuk with
SPARQL to query and update the data.

Tracker is a central repository of user information, that provides two
big benefits for the user; shared data between applications and
information which is relational to other information (for example:
mixing contacts with files, locations, activities and etc.).


The main changes since 1.1.0 are:

  * build: Use major version only PkgConfig files. Previously, we had
    $library-$major-$minor (e.g. tracker-sparql-1.2, when it should be
    tracker-sparql-1.0) to avoid creating unnecessary work for
    developers using Tracker. This release corrects this and it was
    planned originally.

=========  (434)

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  sha256sum: dc523d11fe96f98f81abd8f14edd2e9e189f057e3007bb5a8c7386bae279686c

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