glib 2.39.3

About GLib

GLib is the low-level core library that forms the basis for projects
such as GTK+ and GNOME. It provides data structure handling for C,
portability wrappers, and interfaces for such runtime functionality as
an event loop, threads, dynamic loading, and an object system.


No major changes this release -- mostly lots of small fixes and
improvements in test coverage.

 * fix a crasher in code from gdbus-codegen

 * improvements to gobject gdb helper script

 * portability:

   - fix a deadlock issue with kqueue on FreeBSD

   - work around a quirk in the sunstudio compiler

   - rename a variable to avoid clashing with a macro definition of
     'environ' on some platforms (like mingw)

   - use POSIX-specified <poll.h> over <sys/poll.h>

   - many improvements to Visual Studio projects and and some build
     fixes for Windows

 * tests
   - a very large number of improvements in test coverage

   - don't report skipped tests as failures

   - return 77 if we skip all tests in an executable

   - improve gtest documentation and fix some minor issues

   - fix g_test_trap_reached_timeout() return value

   - remove some dead code uncovered during test coverage expansion

   - Use tap mode for installed tests too, when using tap

 * fix races in unix signal handling

 * make our GVariant-based commandline tools (glib-compile-schemas,
   gdbus, gapplication) print out GVariant parse errors in context

 * GApplication now has a --gapplication-service command line switch to
   turn any GApplication into a service

 * improve compatibility of GApplication and GOptionContext

 * fix gsettings.m4 wrt. builddir != srcdir with non-recursive make

 * use a directory monitor in GKeyfileSettingsBackend

 * improve robustness of some GIcon classes

Bugs fixed
 141251  poll(2) is in <poll.h>, not <sys/poll.h> per SUS standard
 613732  [PATCH] Don't install frame filters when GDB does not support them
 708212  g_variant_parser_error_get_quark() has unexpected name.
 710965  GApplication: add --gapplication-service switch
 711090  periodic failure of spawn-multithreaded async testcase
 712171  gsettings.m4: @GSETTINGS_RULES@: Support srcdir != builddir with nonrecursive make
 712630  Revert "gsettings m4: check for .xml in src/builddir"
 715028  GVariant: add way to print context of parse errors
 719344  Fix the various test programs (or GLib itself) on Windows
 720263  gtestutils: skipping a test should count as success, not failure
 720539  gdbus-codegen: Fix crasher in goa-using apps
 720635  Make gdb pretty-printers compatible with Python3
 720891  g_settings_get_child does not inherit the backend
 721034  glib 2.38.2 cannot be compiled with SunStudio Compiler under Solaris
 721059  g_subprocess_launcher_set_environ vs "environ"
 721074  kqueue: deadlock
 721087  Missing -lselinux in pkg-config --libs --static gio-2.0
 721324  Error message is printed to stdout
 721624  Regression in GTest framework reorders existing test cases
 721625  backwards NEWS entry about g_source_remove change
 721796  insufficient escaping in g_dbus_annotation_info_generate_xml()
 721947  Improve GApplication ⇔ GOptionContext compatibility 

Translations updated:
 Brazilian Portuguese

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  sha256sum: d9fa6c9aa645a5e688a3bb29013bb83801b19ee767d99e33ff52e004e1cc5fc8

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