iagno 3.8.3

About iagno

Dominate the board in a classic version of Reversi


* Fix inevitable hangs (caused by slow play) when the board is about 3/4 full
* Fix hang when neither side can move (now properly game over)
* Fix New Game after computer vs. computer game causing the computers to go nuts
* Fix Undo after the human was forced to pass
* Fix hidden infobar if it's visible when a new message is displayed
* Don't improperly play piece flip sound at the beginning of each game
* Fix piece flip sound sometimes playing many times in a row (like one too-long sound)

Contributors: Michael Catanzaro, John Cheetham, Dave Paul

https://download.gnome.org/sources/iagno/3.8/iagno-3.8.3.tar.xz (2.81M)
  sha256sum: fa64c5186006101cbfaaa77c164c68ae996471c8e1026f0b2757b375faa02a0e

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