gnome-chess 3.9.92

About gnome-chess

Play the classic two-player boardgame of chess


Updated Dependencies

intltool >= 0.50
SQLite dependency removed


* Player on move is now considered in check for threefold repetition
* Implement more CECP functionality, making a desync with the engine less likely
* If an engine's process dies, display a warning instead of claiming it resigned
* Help: remove Amundsen from list of supported engines
* Help: remove the "there are no bugs" page; regrettably, there are bugs
* Add an appdata file for GNOME Software
* Many updated translations

======== (3.29M)
  sha256sum: d36c9b9c936bae304ed0ed1c4f848248d0a9d9f2ccf4bca9cdb5b49e348e09b8

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