gvfs 1.19.2

About gvfs

Virtual filesystem implementation for gio


* sftp: Implement GFileCreateFlags and improve permission handling
* sftp: Implement push support
* sftp: Various fixes
* smb: Report number of bytes used on the filesystem
* smb: Various fixes
* daemon: Make progress callbacks work with try methods
* afp: Report number of bytes used on the filesystem
* archive: Set filesystem size information
* archive: Set the is_hidden attribute when appropriate
* archive: Various fixes
* trash: Add " (invalid encoding)" to files with invalid encoding
* trash: Support enumerating non-UTF-8 filenames
* tests: Various fixes
* recent: Don't mark filesystem as read-only
* recent: Prevent spurious monitor notifications
* Several smaller bugfixes and cleanups
* Translation updates

https://download.gnome.org/sources/gvfs/1.19/gvfs-1.19.2.changes  (16.1K)

https://download.gnome.org/sources/gvfs/1.19/gvfs-1.19.2.tar.xz (1.47M)
  sha256sum: c9388b325dc0ff1ebd5aba6107f52d5307c7d0ac4e5540c76752c945dea6b22d

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