gexiv2 0.4.90

About gexiv2

GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library


  * Corrected an issue with the makefile that would cause the GIR scanner to generate a
    lot of inconsequential-but-seemingly-ominous warnings.
  * Corrected handling of altitude in gexiv2_metadata_set_gps_info().

gexiv2 0.4.1 - 28 March 2012

  * An issue where the 64-bit version of the library would not be built with
    position-independent code under some circumstances has been corrected.

======== (27.1K)
  sha256sum: 9b3bc4dc97d025f635dff1c6d62cc3232e0753dee3fce51d2c46d0fea664c2b5

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