glibmm 2.37.5

About glibmm

C++ bindings for Glib


* Object: Add interfaces to custom types before class_init.
  This deprecates the use of Glib::Object as a base class
  anywhere but in the last in the list of base classes when
  implementing an interface, such as TreeModel or 
  Having it, for instance, as the first base class,
  is unfortunately likely to break with glib 3.40.
  (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #697229
* DateTime: Fix compare() and equal().
  (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #704639 (Aurimas Černius)
* Regex: Add get_max_lookbehind().
  (Murray Cumming)
* Variant: Fix memory leaks.
  (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #704851 (xanm)

* Action:
  - get_state() and get_state_hint() now return something.
  We choose not to consider this an ABI break because these
  methods were impossible to use for anything useful before.
  (Andrew Potter) Bug #690134.
  - Add get_state_bool() and change_state(bool),
  to make it easier to deal with toggle actions.
  However, we might add a whole derived convenience class for these
  (Murray Cumming, Kjell Ahlstedt)
  - Add create_radio_string() and create_radio_integer() for
  radio items, though we might change this API lots.
  (Murray Cumming)
  - Add name_is_valid() and print_detailed_name().
  (Murray Cumming)
* ActionMap:
  - Add add_action(name, slot).
  This is a convenience method similar to
  g_action_map_add_action_entries() in C.
  (Murray Cumming, Kjell Ahlstedt)
  - Add add_action_radio_string() and add_action_radio_integer()
  for radio items, though we might change this API lots.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Application: Add mark/unmark_busy().
  (Murray Cumming)
* DesktopInfo: Add list_actions(), launch_action() and get_action_name().
  (Murray Cumming)
* File: Add trash_async(), trash_finish(), make_directory_async()
  and make_directory_finish().
  (Murray Cumming)
* Menu: Add remove_all().
  (Murray Cumming)
* MenuItem:
  - Add set/unset_icon().
  (Murray Cumming)
  - Reimplement the constructors.
  (Murray Cumming) Bug #705199 (Pete Woods)
* SimpleAction:
  - set_enabled(): Add default parameter value.
  (Murray Cumming)
  - Add constructors and create_bool() methods that take a bool instead of
  a VariantBase for the state, to make it easier to deal with toggle actions.
  However, we might add a whole derived convenience class for these
  (Murray Cumming)

* gmmproc: Add docs to the default constructor of _CLASS_OPAQUE_COPYABLE.
  mentioning that the constructed object is invalid.
  (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #704639 (Aurimas Černius)

* Glib::TypeTraits<>: Avoid warnings when compiling with -Wcast-qual.
  (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #704640 (Aurimas Černius)
* fixed multi-argument defines as enum values.
  (Marcin Kolny) Bug #705113 

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  sha256sum: 11c916a8a9a06c8b66ea40d3650a23793e63fd6952af2115ad5c7d0ef46bd7b5

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