glom 1.23.1

About Glom

User-friendly database application.


* Document:
  - Save static image data as a child text node, not an attribute.
  - Save image data (example data or static images) in base64 format,
    instead of the GDA format.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Export to po files:
  - Also export static text items, and print layouts.
  - Avoid duplicates.
    (Murray Cumming)
* Examples: Add a static image item to the Project Manager example.
  This is just so that the feature gets some testing.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Tests: Add new tests using GdkPixbufLoader to check that we can interpret
	image data as an image.
  (Murray Cumming)

=========  (5.82K)

======== (6.19M)
  sha256sum: a433b499c674fc9574f6d82d443737dd0ec82dc118fa690d48bc330d69d8a2c5

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