rygel 0.13.4

About Rygel

Rygel is a home media solution that allows you to easily share audio,
video and pictures, and control of media player on your home network.
In technical terms it is both a UPnP AV MediaServer and MediaRenderer
implemented through a plug-in mechanism. Interoperability with other
devices in the market is achieved by conformance to very strict
requirements of DLNA and on the fly conversion of media to format that
client devices are capable of handling.


A new release in the current unstabel release cycle

Changes compared to 0.13.3:

- Add the new logo.
- Don't abort if a client requests an invalid thumbnail or subtitle.
- Don't crash if a GStreamer element is missing.
- Set X_DLNACAP according to the allow-upload/allow-deletion configuration.
- Drop the "maximum version" requirements in configure.ac.
- Revert the ¨npt=0- is not a seek" patch since it broke DLNA requirement
- Don't crash if a User-Agent contains non-UTF-8 characters.

 - Reduce severity of a warning message.

 - Emit duration change once the playbin can know it.

 - Refactor alternative properties.

 - Don't abort if a server doesn't use the proper type for the "Metadata"

 - Set proper UPnP class for virtual containers.

Bugs fixed in this release:
 - https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=672048
 - https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=667781

Added/updated translations
 - lv, courtesy of Rūdolfs Mazurs
 - pl, courtesy of Piotr Drąg

http://download.gnome.org/sources/rygel/0.13/rygel-0.13.4.changes  (5.76K)

http://download.gnome.org/sources/rygel/0.13/rygel-0.13.4.tar.xz (1.24M)
  sha256sum: b6feb32a86429df80f7dfa0adf39e426fb3fc51396db4a87014decf132359aa4

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