glib 2.35.3

About GLib

GLib is the low-level core library that forms the basis for projects
such as GTK+ and GNOME. It provides data structure handling for C,
portability wrappers, and interfaces for such runtime functionality as
an event loop, threads, dynamic loading, and an object system.


* This release contains an incompatible change to the g_get_home_dir()
 function. Previously, this function would effectively ignore the HOME
 environment variable and always return the value from /etc/password.
 As of this version, the HOME variable is used if it is set and the
 value from /etc/passwd is only used as a fallback.

* We now install a public "gnetworking.h" header that can be used to
 include the relevant OS-dependent networking headers. This does not
 really abstract away unix-vs-windows however; error codes, in
 particular, are incompatible.

* Bugs fixed in this release:
686895 688704 602715 688377 688180 688497 688319 688886 681685 689037
688931 688681 652650 664627 688419 684145 675516 689538 679683 689377
142568 587806 689800 689847 629301 689982 690069 623187 690083 690163
690346 687092 690348

 142568 Allow $HOME to override passwd entry if the user really wants
 587806 The file selector should honor .hidden files
 602715 [GChecksum] Please add support for SHA512
 623187 provide some support for arbitrary setsockopt()s?
 629301 .goutputstream files left behind when cancelling I/O
 652650 Optimize GDBusMessage serialization
 664627 /gapplication/basic test intermittently fails: cmdline re-or...
 675516 Win32: Don't start a DBus server when built as static library
 679683 replace g_test_trap_fork()
 684145 Current Git sources fails to cross-compile for Windows in Li...
 686895 file-info: catch thumbnail files in large directory as well
 687092 IPv6 <-> IPv4 mismatch when subscribing to multicast (send)
 688180 GObject: Minor error in description of floating reference
 688319 gthread: add missing AVAILABLE_IN_2_32 annotations
 688377 configure: add missing square bracket in AS_IF for memmove
 688419 gtask: source_object arguments and return values not annota...
 688497 AppInfo: Add sufficient api to port gnome-session from Egg...
 688681 build: Make .symbols file canonical on all platforms
 688704 Add boxed GType for GThread
 688886 Improve the i18n documentation
 688931 GMemoryOutputStream: Add new _resizable() constructor usab...
 689037 need helper for creating a GFile from a remote commandline...
 689377 Fix a compiler warning in GDBus
 689538 Source object tag set too late in gsocketlistener
 689800 Treat lost+found directory as a hidden file
 689847 Add fast repeated typename -> GType resolver
 689982 Make GChecksum more fully introspectable
 690069 g_unix_open_pipe: Add missing F_SETFD
 690083 gfileenumerator: Add a g_file_enumerator_get_child method
 690163 Add a pre-configured gio/gnetworking.h for Visual C++ builds
 690346 Remove an unneeded escaping in NAMESER_COMPAT_INCLUDE
 690348 Fix g_type_add_class_private() name in g_warning

* Translation updates:

=========  (41.4K)

======== (6.18M)
  sha256sum: 9288ab24a1eb1ed07983e85576b54c9555f7835cafa02147d1889f9f39cd3d25

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