java-gnome 4.1.2


java-gnome 4.1.2  (30 Aug 2012)

_Applications don't stand idly by._

After a bit of a break, we're back with a second release in the 4.1 series
covering GNOME 3 and its libraries. 

Application for Unique

The significant change in this release is the introduction of GtkApplication,
the new mechanism providing for unique instances of applications. This
replaces the use of libunique for this purpose, which GNOME has deprecated and
asked us to remove.

* **`org.gnome.gtk.Application`**
* **`org.gnome.glib.Application`**
* **`org.gnome.glib.ApplicationFlags`**
* **`org.gnome.glib.ApplicationCommandLine`**
* <strike>`org.gnome.unique.Application`</strike>
* <strike>`org.gnome.unique.Message`</strike>
* <strike>`org.gnome.unique.Response`</strike>

Thanks to Guillaume Mazoyer for having done the grunt work figuring out how
the underlying GApplication mechanism worked.

Idle time

The new Application coverage doesn't work with java-gnome's multi-thread
safety because GTK itself is not going to be thread safe anymore. This is a
huge step backward, but has been coming for a while, and despite our intense
disappointment about it all, java-gnome will now be like every other GUI
toolkit out there: not thread safe.

If you're working from another thread and need to update your GTK widgets, you
must do so from within the main loop. To get there, you add an idle handler
which will get a callback from the main thread at some future point. We've
exposed that as `Glib.idleAdd()`; you put your call back in an instance of the
Handler interface.

* **`org.gnome.glib.Glib`**
* **`org.gnome.glib.Handler`**

As with signal handlers, you have to be careful to get back from your callback
as soon as possible; you're blocking the main loop while that code is running.

Miscellaneous improvements

Other than this, we've accumulated a number of fixes and improvements over the
past months. Improvements to radio buttons, coverage of GtkSwitch, fixes to
Assistant, preliminary treatment of StyleContext, and improvements to
SourceView, FileChooser, and more. Compliments to Guillaume Mazoyer, Georgios
Migdos, and Alexander Boström for their contributions.

* **`org.gnome.gtk.Switch`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserButton`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.Style`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.StyleProperty`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.StyleRegion`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.JunctionSides`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.RegionFlags`**

java-gnome builds correctly when using Java 7. The minimum supported version
of the runtime is Java 6. This release depends on GTK 3.4.


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  sha256sum: 6d13818bc8838da57bae1a1c2350ad33e03acf6b080ee0194ae89a2775d8169e

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