longomatch 0.17.1

About LongoMatch

Sports video analysis sofware to tag, review and edit important
segments or plays of a game


	== Features of this release ==

	* Added jobs manager to enqueue playlists renderings
	* Allow rendering plays from the left-side list
	* Added Esperanto translation

	== Bugs Fixed ==
	* Fixed deletion of templates
	* Fixed creation of new players in the players template

http://download.gnome.org/sources/longomatch/0.17/longomatch-0.17.1.changes  (10.9K)


http://download.gnome.org/sources/longomatch/0.17/longomatch-0.17.1.tar.xz  (564K)
  sha256sum: b8480639e15958fbd532b4b0adebd9e90d0154c073c6b3c3d08e158b4760e624

http://download.gnome.org/sources/longomatch/0.17/longomatch-0.17.1.tar.bz2 (661K)
  sha256sum: a256bff2a03a0df371d4579f81ce645d4fae3b14388bc3f642b475581f181ac2

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