pitivi 0.15.0

About PiTiVi

PiTiVi is a free software non-linear video editor. It is licensed
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. PiTiVi is
designed to be intuitive video editing software that integrates well
in the GNOME desktop environment. It aims to be "a powerful, flexible
video editor that can appeal to prosumers and professionals."

Tarball releases are provided largely for distributions to build
packages. If you are interested in building PiTiVi from source, we
would recommend building from version control.


2011 Septembre 26 - PiTiVi 0.15
  * A new transformation feature allows resizing, panning and cropping clips directly in the previewer
  * Automatic clip alignment by analyzing soundtracks to sync multicamera footage
  * Ability to have presets for rendering
  * Default set of project settings and rendering presets
  * Cleaner preferences dialog
  * Integrated offline user manual
  * Cleaner advanced codec settings dialog
  * Improved video thumbnailing performance
  * "Soft depedencies" manager to warn the user of features requiring additional packages
  * Port to gtkbuilder
  * Respect GNOME's button icons setting
  * Improved startup time
  * Code cleanups and remove dead code
  * Properly show property descriptions (blurbs) for advanced codec settings

http://download.gnome.org/sources/pitivi/0.15/pitivi-0.15.0.changes  (2.68K)


http://download.gnome.org/sources/pitivi/0.15/pitivi-0.15.0.tar.xz  (1.83M)
  sha256sum: 4c9537aa8caefb73aeaeae1b0fe64258a63aa09d69bff4ab252ee4d8e1956c04

http://download.gnome.org/sources/pitivi/0.15/pitivi-0.15.0.tar.bz2 (1.99M)
  sha256sum: b7bf764cf26fe11d518f0fe5d57e33abdceb7bfaee62c888dc8228e84e5bcb95

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