latexila 2.1.1

About latexila

LaTeXila is an Integrated LaTeX Environment for GNOME, written in

The main features are:

- Customizable buttons to compile, convert and view a document in one
click. Latexmk is used by default, but Rubber and the "low-level"
commands such as pdflatex can also be used.

- LaTeX commands completion

- Document structure to easily navigate in it

- Symbol tables (Greek letters, arrows, etc)

- Template managing: a few default templates, creating personal ones,

- Easy projects management

- Some menus and toolbars with the principal LaTeX commands


- Structure:
	- better implemenation (custom Gtk.TreeModel)
	- better performances (line-by-line parsing)
	- simple lists of items, to find more quickly one element
	- some actions: cut, copy, delete, select, comment, shift left/right

- Build Tools: copy button to duplicate a build tool
- Mallard documentation about the build tools
- Build View: text is selectable, so we can copy/paste it
- Cleanup Build Files: take into account projects
- Show/hide the main toolbar
- Fix: Build Tools not available on a .bib project file
- dconf: scripts for migrating latexila 2.0.x -> 2.2.x
- Some other little improvements and bug fixes

* Release 2.1.0 (May 6, 2011) [beta]

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  sha256sum: 2e7faa5c34b1442c836455db665932b7d501e695a7f3431479a46a8d88bc9b56 (550K)
  sha256sum: 9ebbb1fb30f5f19b61528923e7e39ef0c06e2b8a69c40fd9506a9f4c875247f2

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