orca 3.0.3

About Orca Screen Reader and Magnifier

Screen reader and magnifier for people with visual impairments



  * Fix for bug 653642 - Alt+F4 followed by Escape leaves the Orca window
    closed - but Orca still running

  * Fix for bug 653628 - List shortcuts mode: shortcut is spelled out as
    "shift T A B" instead of saying "shift tab"

  * Fix for bug 653634 - Orca welcome message is cut off

  * Fix for bug 653624 - bash-ism causes error in orca startup script

  * Fix for bug 652043 - In Libreoffice applications Orca doesn't present
    the title bar

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

    ca@valencia   Catalan (Valencian)  Carles Ferrando
    de            German               Christian Kirbach
    tr            Turkish              Muhammet Kara
    es            Spanish              Daniel Mustieles


http://download.gnome.org/sources/orca/3.0/orca-3.0.3.changes  (1.98K)


http://download.gnome.org/sources/orca/3.0/orca-3.0.3.tar.xz  (2.27M)
  sha256sum: a3576b220777e22dd1ade9409a4bcfce5bf56bbb1457ee8315dd7419ac59d2a1

http://download.gnome.org/sources/orca/3.0/orca-3.0.3.tar.bz2 (3.44M)
  sha256sum: 45a3cefa7a702a641f1cfd4a2f4b925658e390889870c6d6824e21815aab48a7

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