glibmm 2.27.93

       Module: glibmm
      Version: 2.27.93
  Uploaded by: murrayc
 sha256sum: 9ba4fc57e99602811956f91789a339b7fd7645da8a9a73dd90843b9a66a9b26c
      size: 6.7M
 sha256sum: 4e4aafc62457543cc37bf1de68fdadd2e8187f07d997745937ba4fc12526c27a
      size: 5.5M


2.27.93 (unstable):

* Added ArrayHandler, ListHandler and SListHandler, to help with conversions 
  to/from std::vector.
  These replace ArrayHandle, ListHandle, and SListHandle, which allowed the 
  use of any standard container. New APIs will use only std::vector, because 
  that is less confusing to developers, though less flexible.
  (Krzesimir Nowak)
* Application: Initialize glibmm and giomm in the constructor, for 
  (Murray Cumming)
* Resolver: lookup_service(), lookup_by_address(): Fix the reference counting.
  (Murray Cumming) Bug #639575 (Michael Edwards)
* Fix the build (and of applications) with  GLIB_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES.
  (Chris Kühl)

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