tracker 0.10.7

       Module: tracker
      Version: 0.10.7
  Uploaded by: Martyn James Russell
 sha256sum: aa75fa10188b59a00009bfbfc4f1088aaeb087d2652de92b70849e8009a8624b
      size: 8.96M
 sha256sum: 4ca7b95fb69b0f60131442217a6ef86d646f21d9f5d8b6af919848b6730743d1
      size: 7.56M

About Tracker

Desktop-neutral user information store, search tool and indexer


The changes are:

  * Require: Vala >= 0.12.0 (was 0.11.4), due to introspection issues
  * Require: GObject Introspection >= 0.9.5
  * New Feature: Introspection support for libtracker-{sparql|miner|extract}
  * Fixes: GB#644997, "initial-sleep" configuration in miner-fs broken
  * Fixes: GB#646365, Add macro to check Tracker version
  * Fixes: GB#646374, Add a doap file to keep happy when releasing
  * Fixes: GB#644455, ~/.cache/tracker/no-need-mtime-check.txt is not written if tracker-store is stopped before tracker-miner-fs
  * Fixes: NB#244536, Messages not saved correctly into tracker
  * Fixes: NB#242253, Customized album art image not shown in Music application
  * Fixes: NB#229461, Black thumbnail is displayed after delete favourite image
  * Fixes: NB#237582, Some PDF files are not indexed
  * Fixes: NB#240272, GConf should use the GDBus port, as libdbus isn't thread safe and crashes are being seen fetching the configuration values of meegotouch locale
  * Fixes: NB#241659, COREWEB: applications crashing for 'strcmp __dlerror fetch_dlerror _g_module_symbol g_module_symbol'
  * libtracker-sparql: Fixed test case on cancellation error check
  * tracker-extract: oasis: Avoid invalid frees on non-NULL pointers
  * tracker-needle: Cancel previous operations when switching views.
  * tracker-needle: Improve "icons" or "images" category to allow filtering by all or title


  * Updated de: Markus Schley
  * Updated es: Daniel Mustieles
  * Updated pl: Piotr Drąg
  * Updated sv: Daniel Nylander



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