grilo 0.1.13

       Module: grilo
      Version: 0.1.13
  Uploaded by: Juan A. Suarez Romero
 sha256sum: 1b6ba708dbbc279320b0b18b2428738e4460a6b3adc30bb8ae18e2df05186d53
      size: 598K
 sha256sum: 20754f757823002940c625b57df7eb4995ce4a7e75862a63076d08f77ec562a7
      size: 441K

About grilo

Grilo is a framework that provides access to various sources of
multimedia content, using a pluggable system.


  * Do not store keys without values in GrlData
  * Deprecated grl_data_key_is_known()
  * Deprecated GrlData "overwrite" property
  * Renamed grl_data_get_single_related_keys()
  * Some fixes, including:
    * BGO#645525 - CPU load and grilo requests

  * Contributors to this release:
    Juan A. Suarez Romero <jasuarez igalia com>

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