java-gnome 4.0.17

       Module: java-gnome
      Version: 4.0.17
  Uploaded by: Andrew Cowie
 sha256sum: 549020cf9ceca694f2d3455c382ee4daf62186569d74f0f2d657e57f7650bedc
      size: 1.2M
 sha256sum: 350cd6c4d75995c309785794b8e216bf5c09568e52975f26ff0be7d79bb2a422
      size: 932K


<a name="4.0.17" id="1290043843" title="Dictionaries exist"></a>

java-gnome 4.0.17 (18 Nov 2010)

_All dictionaries are equal. But some dictionaries are more equal than

After some 6 months of development, this release includes substantial
improvements across the library. Thanks to Guillaume Mazoyer, Michael
Culbertson, Douglas Goulart, Vreixo Formoso, Mauro Galli, Thijs Leibbrand, and
Andrew Cowie for their contributions to the library, and also to Yaakov
Selkowitz, and Alexander Boström for their updates to the build system.

Enchant Dictionaries

Improve the utility of the Enchant library by exposing functionality to test
wither a dictionary [exists][Enchant.existsDictionary()] for a given "language
tag", and to [list][Enchant.listDictionaries()] all available dictionaries.
Add speciality functions to the Internationalization class facilitating the
translation of [language][Internationalization.translateLangageName()] and
[country][Internationalization.translateCountryName()] names so you can
present the list of available languages properly translated in the user's

* **`org.freedesktop.enchant.Enchant`**
* **`org.freedesktop.bindings.Internationalization`**
* `org.freedesktop.enchant.EnchantBrokerOverride`
* `org.freedesktop.enchant.ValidateEnchantInternals`
* `org.freedesktop.bindings.ValidateInternationalization`

GTK improvements

Introduce Icon as a strongly typed class to wrap "named icons" available in an
icon theme, complementing the previous coverage of "stock icons" provided by
the Stock class. Add methods to DataColumn, TreeModel, Image, and Entry making
these available.

* **`org.freedesktop.icons.Icon`**
* `org.freedesktop.icons.Helper`
* **`org.freedesktop.icons.ActionIcon`**
* **`org.freedesktop.icons.ApplicationIcon`**
* **`org.freedesktop.icons.CategoryIcon`**
* **`org.freedesktop.icons.DeviceIcon`**
* **`org.freedesktop.icons.EmblemIcon`**
* **`org.freedesktop.icons.FaceIcon`**
* **`org.freedesktop.icons.MimeIcon`**
* **`org.freedesktop.icons.PlaceIcon`**
* **`org.freedesktop.icons.StateIcon`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.DataColumnIcon`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.Image`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.Entry`**
* `org.freedesktop.icons.ValidateIconItems`

Also in TreeView land, Vreixo Foromso contributed a change to make
DataColumnReference generic, noting that this was his "one great irritation"
with java-gnome. Itch scratched, apparently. `:)`

* **`org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.DataColumnReference`**
* `org.gnome.gtk.ValidateTreeModel`

A fair bit of work went into polishing coverage in various classes. We now
have coverage for Adjustment's various properties (necessary if you want to
drive a scroll bar around yourself without using one built into a

* **`org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.HScrollbar`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.VScrollbar`**
* `org.gnome.gtk.ValidateAssistant`
* `org.gnome.gtk.ValidateProperties`
* `org.gnome.gtk.ValidateSignalEmission`

We've also introduced a new signal in the [Assistant][]. You can now define
the behaviour of an Assistant using the `ForwardPage` signal with the
`setForwardPageCallback()` method. It can help you to skip pages when you need
to. When going back, the Assistant will also skip the previously skipped page.

* **`org.gnome.gtk.Assistant`**
* `org.gnome.gtk.GtkAssistantOverride`
* `org.gnome.gtk.ValidateAssistant`

java-gnome now supports GTK+ 2.20 and introduces the new [Spinner][] widget
that can be used to display an unknown progress.

* **`org.gnome.gtk.Spinner`**
* **`org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpinner`**

Added coverage for another utility function, this time the one that
[escapes][Glib.markupEscapeText()] text in strings so that it can be safely
included when Pango markup is being used.

* **`org.gnome.glib.Glib`**

If you need to ensure whatever has been copied to the clipboard is available
after your application terminates, you can call Clipboard's `store()`.

* **`org.gnome.gtk.Clipboard`**

Thread safety

Fixed a fairly serious bug in the interaction between the memory management
code and the thread safety mechanism. Amazing we got away with this one so
long, really. Thanks to Vreixo Formoso for helping with analysis of the crash
dumps, confirming the diagnosis, and double checking the proposed solution.
The problem only showed up if you were making extensive use of something like
TextViews which (internal to GTK) did its drawing in a background idle

* `org.gnome.glib.GObject`

Also fixed a crasher that turned up if your cursor theme didn't have a certain
named cursor. `ENOTGNOME`, but anyway.

* **`org.gnome.gdk.Cursor`**

More drawing

The Cairo graphics library continues to be a joy to use and we continue to
make minor improvements to our coverage as people use it more. In particular,
based on help from Benjamin Otte and others we've refined the way you create a
[Context][] in a `Widget.ExposeEvent`, improving efficiency and taking
advantage of some of the underlying support functions more effectively.

* **`org.freedesktop.cairo.Extend`**
* **`org.freedesktop.cairo.FillRule`**
* **`org.freedesktop.cairo.HintStyle`**
* **`org.freedesktop.cairo.Context`**
* **`org.freedesktop.cairo.FontOptions`**
* **`org.freedesktop.cairo.Pattern`**
* **`org.gnome.gdk.Color`**
* **`org.gnome.pango.Layout`**
* **`org.gnome.pango.Underline`**
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.GdkCairoSupport`
* `org.freedesktop.cairo.ValidateCairoContext`

Looking ahead

With GTK 3.0 coming closer to reality, we're keeping close track of the
activity there. GTK 3.0 is a pretty vast API and ABI break from 2.x with some
fairly major changes to the way Widget sizing works, along with an overhaul of
the drawing system. We'll be updating java-gnome to meet these changes in the
months to come.


[Enchant.existsDictionary()]: doc/api/org/freedesktop/enchant/Enchant.html#existsDictionary(java.lang.String)
[Enchant.listDictionaries()]: doc/api/org/freedesktop/enchant/Enchant.html#listDictionaries()
[Internationalization.translateLangageName()]: doc/api/org/freedesktop/bindings/Internationalization.html#translateLanguageName(java.lang.String)
[Internationalization.translateCountryName()]: doc/api/org/freedesktop/bindings/Internationalization.html#translateCountryName(java.lang.String)
[Assistant]: doc/api/org/gnome/gtk/Assistant.html
[Spinner]: doc/api/org/gnome/gtk/Spinner.html
[Glib.markupEscapeText()]: doc/api/org/gnome/glib/Glib.html#markupEscapeText(java.lang.String)

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