glom 1.12.5

       Module: glom
      Version: 1.12.5
  Uploaded by: Murray Cumming
 sha256sum: 78950609a2fbe1e4600a2eb6882278a1f4cea24dcdda283fb7d6dd9d08d6653d
      size: 3.9M
 sha256sum: 54eea4ca39f9bdc54864b0f248ab44a78d3dd07b69923a805f95cb8c001bffe8
      size: 3.2M


1.12.5 (stable):

* List View: Don't chop off the bottom of text when using large fonts.
  (Murray Cumming) Bug #607023 (Michael Hasselmann)
* Avoid problems when entering numbers with currency suffixes when using the 
  C locale.
  (Murray Cumming, Michael Hasselmann)
* Windows: Install glom_1_12.pyd instead of glom.pyd.
  (Armin Burgmeier) Bug #605593 (Karel Brucek)
* libglom: Added NumericFormat::get_default_precision().

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