longomatch 0.15.5

       Module: longomatch
      Version: 0.15.5
  Uploaded by: Andoni Morales Alastruey

 sha256sum: cd4d38b44098709384757c53fd455a217fd61748ae9da2d2bed2457a73758c48
      size: 652K

 sha256sum: 14473f9b622bcdf0493782f8cfea7e60f5c68a0877a851e78b004ee2cd0ba317
      size: 544K


===== LongoMatch 0.15.5 =====

	== Features ==
	* Plays are now sortable by name, start time, stop time and duration.
	* Plays can be tagged.
	* A new tab has been added to display plays filterd by tags.
	* Tagging Hotkeys can use simple key instead of and Alt or Shift combination
	* Projects can be imported/exported to/from files.
	* Templates can be creating copying an existent one.
	* Plays can be multiselected.
 	* A template from a project can be exported.
	* Added German translation 
 	== Bugs Fixed ==
 	* [#603277] The projects manager does not ask to save an edited project when exiting
 	* [#603274] Enable multiple selection of plays
	* [#603276] Use a template different from the default one when creating a new one
	* [#603260] Ability to export/import projects to/from other machines

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