tracker 0.7.22

       Module: tracker
      Version: 0.7.22
  Uploaded by: Martyn James Russell
 sha256sum: 2a3dafd1ef48832b77f1345425568ced36f30611649280223fadd2cc1f51db06
      size: 5.6M
 sha256sum: ef55056e0c89a03b922c112c68361e8961d7acff9475aafeff3e896425bea875
      size: 4.5M


NEW in 0.7.22

Improvements / New:

  * Removed GConf dependency, no longer used
  * Added --enable-maemo configure option to discriminate 91-maemo.ontology
  * Don't link against HAL for DeviceKit-power
  * Disable flac extractor by default (has SPARQL errors, needs updating)
  * Disable libunac by default (causes tracker-store segfaults)

  * Support ontology additions by 3rd party applications
  * Added tracker:Ontology class and nao:lastModified property
  * Added nco:imAvatar property
  * Added nco:default-contact-emergency
  * Added nfo:tableOfContents
  * Added tracker:fulltextNoLimit
  * Removed nrl:maxCardinality from nmm:director and nmm:leadActor

  * Fixed variable separation between multiple updates in a query

  * Added functional tests for named graph support
  * Added functional tests for tracker-writeback
  * Added functional tests for virtual files
  * Added libtracker-fts test cases
  * Added libtracker-miner test cases

  * Renamed tracker-ontology module to tracker-ontologies
  * Created tracker-ontology class
  * Fixed error reporting for TrackerDateTime class
  * Don't install private header files for internal library

  * Added ontology validation checking
  * Fixed deletion of xsd:dateTime values

  * Moved tracker-storage here from libtracker-common
  * Refactored tracker-storage to use GIO not HAL
  * Don't reverse lists from hash tables in tracker-storage

  * Fixed compilation with c++ compilers

  * Limit word length based on ontology (was > 3)

  * Reduced amount of memory used for events

  * Ignore VIM files by default
  * Increment processed error count on SparQL errors
  * Ensure the full directory hierarchy is inspected on reindex
  * Improved logging for mount points added or removed

  * Fixed handling of album gain properties in gstreamer module

  * Fixed headers for panel applet
  * Used correct panel_applet_ functions not panel_applet_gconf_*


  * GB#610609, libtracker-client: Don't include a file between G_{BEGIN,END}_DECLS
  * GB#609075, Adding support for pdf extractor to extract the index data from the pdf files
  * GB#609004, Timeout on 1 file during extraction causes 10 to fail
  * GB#610882, Segfault with sparql queries using undefined variables
  * NB#157813, tracker writeback is not updating nmm:camera details correctly
  * NB#157429, tracker writeback is not updating values of all supported properties.
  * NB#157814, nmm:flash value is not changing after tracker-writeback , value is always set to nmm:flash-off
  * NB#157822, mlo:location , mlo:country , mlo:city , mlo:state , mlo:address values are not updated after changing the values with tracker-writeback
  * NB#157286, tracker-search is case sensitive for stopwords
  * NB#157899, incorrect value set for dates without TZD part or TZD with minutes


  * Updated sl: Andrej ŽnidarÅ¡iÄ?
  * Updated nb: Kjartan Maraas


  The database version up has been incremented, this will force a
  reindex for any existing Tracker installation.

  The Deskbar applet packaged with Tracker is currently out of date
  and needs some love to get it working with the new APIs. It is in
  the same state as it was for 0.6. As such it isn't expected to work.

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