longomatch 0.15.2

       Module: longomatch
      Version: 0.15.2
  Uploaded by: Xavier de Blas

 sha256sum: 9867710b02f3647415824af00302f92d63edfbe8e5c094950cfc88dcbe3ed9d1
      size: 572K

 sha256sum: f0e0fa72b4eaa8f6b2b14fd9be3b1ff6ed9bb03519395a2fe2f570d06be20463
      size: 488K


===== LongoMatch 0.15.2 =====

	== Features ==
	* Drawing tool for on-video annotations
 	* Redesigned templates manager
 	== Bugs Fixed ==
 	* [#594161] Can't edit categories name in the treeview 
 	* [#594329] Cannot change the file associated to a project in the Projects Manager
 	* [#595397] Video editor stalls for some audio formats
 	* [#595110] Memory leak handling unamanged Pixbuf

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