evolution-data-server 2.28.1

       Module: evolution-data-server
      Version: 2.28.1
  Uploaded by: Matthew Barnes

 sha256sum: fc945cf21dca90c30db68bc7641692d2a448753c3e116864654c8a32397e0671
      size: 31M

 sha256sum: 651de21c10765d4b6503ff59aa50c8b9e1bc704d94341d9a275e3b50d68dae8a
      size: 22M


Evolution-Data-Server 2.28.1 2009-10-19

Bug Fixes:
	#270893 - Support client certificates for IMAP (Craig Ringer)
	#593019 - Importing event with pseudo "Etc/UTC" timezone crashed
                  (Patrick Ohly)
	#593023 - Deleting an imported recurrent event will remain
	          (Milan Crha)
	#594502 - Some google calendar meetings don't show up (Milan Crha)
	#595082 - Contacts displayed twice in new email contact list
	          (Milan Crha)
	#596157 - Use "Message-ID" instead of "Message-Id" (Jeremy Visser)

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