epiphany 2.27.3

       Module: epiphany
      Version: 2.27.3
  Uploaded by: Xan Lopez

  md5sum: 753b1c85144af2ad106e14809d2da468
 sha1sum: 5f4af27c38d291504489ed0172be6618da00609d
    size: 7.5M

  md5sum: 83d1785c8e15d77ae088a7d9eed6a705
 sha1sum: 7df00dd929f9f57b17bdbd2a6d752eab1091f668
    size: 5.4M


Epiphany 2.27.3


  - Preserve back/forward history when opening new tabs. (#583459)
  - Preserve HTTP information (eg, referrer) when opening new tabs. (#120341)
  - Strip superfluous whitespace from URLs before loading them. (#584466)
  - Remove Python support for extensions, the only supported language
    other than C/C++ is now JavaScript through Seed.
  - Pretty large refactoring of internals: we now have a new
    EphyWebView class, subclass of WebKitWebView, which holds most of
    our extra methods/information that used to be in
    EphyEmbed. EphyEmbed is no longer an interface, just a wrapper
    that contains an EphyWebView and that properly sets it up. Since
    there aren't any more interface classes to be implemented by
    backends the webkit/ directory is gone, and all the code is now in


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