gtk+ 2.15.1

       Module: gtk+
      Version: 2.15.1
  Uploaded by: Matthias Clasen
  md5sum: a6f76fb01dfa035b21577bc426307072
 sha1sum: 1809580c2cb34ef4fb425dbf3157c75085498711
    size: 25M
  md5sum: 08bd30294bec395078a2554d642d3b2d
 sha1sum: 554d1e09c72d35869e1c779ec2584365e7f7fd0a
    size: 17M


Overview of Changes from GTK+ 2.15.0 to 2.15.1

* GtkFileChooser:
 - Remember the file chooser's size across invocations
 - Handle uris that are entered in the entry
 - Improve autocompletion, in particular for uris

* GtkEntry:
 - New property "im-module" for selecting input methods per-widget
 - New icon-related API got renamed for consistency
 - Added properties and setters for icon tooltips

* GtkTextView:
 - New property "im-module" for selecting input methods per-widget
 - New signal "paste-done" to allow better handling of async pasting

* GtkScale:
 - New api to add annotated marks: gtk_scale_add_mark.

* GtkAction:
 - Rework the way actions and proxies interact, to make the
   interaction less ad hoc, more extensible, and better suited
   for support in GUI builders like glade.

   To be used as a proxy, a widget must now implement the
`  GtkActivatable interface, and GtkActivatable implementations
   are responsible for syncing their appearance with the action
   and for activating the action.

   All the widgets that are commonly used as proxies implement
   GtkActivatable now.

   This is a big change, and it is not unlikely to break some
   current users of GtkAction, so feedback about problems caused
   by this is appreciated.

 - Add a "gicon" property to specify the icon with a GIcon

* GDK:
 - On X11, GDK now caches cursors to avoid cursor theming overhead
 - New cursor type for blank cursors: GDK_BLANK_CURSOR

* New deprecations:
   direct access to "gtk-action" object data

* Changes that are relevant for translators:
 - Navigation and Media stock labels have separate message contexts now
 - The caps lock warning string has been changed

* Bugs fixed:
 566083 Icon pixmap hardcoded during DnD
 566334 compile failure for gtk+ on Mac OS X
 565998 configure script doesn't check for cairo-xlib.pc
 566391 gtk_about_dialog_set_url_hook should activate...
 566568 gtk_tree_model_get_value docs typo
 566628 gdk_display_close always asserts on win32
 566733 Add GIcon to GtkAction, GtkToolButton
 567024 gtktoolbutton doesn't create right proxy menu item...
 523554 Copy from GIMP to Word broke
 567468 no check for trailing != NULL in gtk_text_layout_get..
 492794 Pasting external text at end of view yields wrong...
 164002 query scripts don't work uninstalled on windows
 566532 GtkScaleButton implementation of GtkOrientable
 450716 New API to change global IM
 562701 GtkEntryCompletion popup sizes its rows wrong...
 567944 [Win32] Sorted treeview columns can be unreadable
 567655 gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text/markup should use...
 567887 gtk_entry_get_storage_type() should be...
 568196 Please change context of Forward stock label
 563280 stock items & translation context
 568233 Wrong statement about GtkEntry's "activate" signal
 568263 gtk can't recognize the wrong X Selection TARGETS...
 565656 Add marks to scales
 567413 GtkComboBoxEntry doesn't emit "changed" signal...
 545980 GtkFileChooserEntry should handle URIs
 566862 pixbuf_new_from_file does not autodetect format
 568552 gtk_combo + gtk entry in invisible mode takes 100% cpu
 561801 "scheduled printing" doesn't function as expected
 566535 gtk_widget_get_snapshot does not work if double buff...
 567021 gtkimage accessors docs
 567761 Spellfixes in GTK+ documentation
 568744 Spellfixes in GtkTreeView's documentation
 536965 GtkPlug: crash on theme change
 567124 proposal to delay doing something related to immodule...
 568305 gdk-pixbuf mishandles BI_BITFIELDS bmps

* New and updated translations:
 Crimean Tatar (crh)
 Spanish (es)
 Hebrew (he)
 Hungarian (hu)
 Italian (it)
 Korean (ko)
 Lithuanian (lt)
 Norwegian bokmål (nb)
 Norwegian Nynorsk (nn)
 Swedish (sv)
 Thai (th)
 Simplified Chinese (zh_CN)

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