gst-plugins-good 0.10.10

       Module: gst-plugins-good
      Version: 0.10.10
  Uploaded by: Vincent Untz
  md5sum: 668a267e30ecc2dd48860b4b80180b1a
 sha1sum: df011146d37959b6c33600ae503c9318257c9c1a
    size: 3.1M
  md5sum: a57b4f6bdb9a4a00351f9da74de35ae9
 sha1sum: abe7314171ad40232f492e3d1d324cbc1742ce53
    size: 2.0M


This is GStreamer Good Plug-ins 0.10.10, "Barely Moving"

Changes since 0.10.9:

      * Move the libcdio cddasrc element to -ugly, because of the GPL license

Bugs fixed since 0.10.9:

      * 413705 : [PLUGINS MOVE] gst-plugins-good contails GPL'ed libcdio p...

Changes since 0.10.8:

      * Replaygain elements moved from Bad
      * Interleave/Deinterleave elements moved from Bad
      * Pulseaudio plugin is now integrated
      * New simple Karaoke audio effect plugin
      * Improvements in v4l2src
      * Multi-channel FLAC file fixes
      * AVI and Quicktime reverse playback support
      * AVI and Matroska muxing improvements
      * New element for rendering SMPTE transitions into alpha channels
      * Many improvements in the Win32 directdraw elements
      * Error out cleanly for encrypted streams
      * RTP/UDP handling improvements
      * RTSP digest authentatication implemented.
      * New RTP Pay/Depay-loaders for Speex, G.729, DV & raw video/audio
      * Error concealment for Speex
      * Many other bug-fixes and enhancements

Bugs fixed since 0.10.8:

      * 541787 : incorrect timestamp
      * 413705 : [PLUGINS MOVE] gst-plugins-good contails GPL'ed libcdio p...
      * 345393 : Missing documentation
      * 400679 : [PLUGIN-MOVE] pulse-gst to -good
      * 422917 : G729 payloader/depayloader
      * 429322 : [matroska-demux] hangs if file starts at non-zero timestamp
      * 465146 : Add more complete negotiation to gstrtpbasepayload
      * 469917 : multiudpsink IPv6 and diffserv TOS/TC markup
      * 499318 : [osxvideosink] warnings on build (ppc, 64bit, 10.4)
      * 503288 : rtph264pay does not split multiple NAL units in incoming ...
      * 511489 : avimux muxed audio and video out of sync
      * 512345 : gstalpha: chroma-key should not set alpha to 0 if brightn...
      * 515962 : [udp] add ipv6 support to multiudpsink and udpsrc, add mu...
      * 516509 : build failure on Solaris, CFLAGS not valid...
      * 519301 : avimux fails when going from NULL to playing a second time
      * 519460 : 8 bytes missing in AVI streamheader
      * 520092 : v4l2src proposed patches
      * 520885 : directdrawsink has some issues
      * 527865 : [PATCH] [matroskademux] uses wrong colourspace for palett...
      * 529454 : [udpsrc] generates false error on win32 due to ICMP dest-...
      * 529692 : [goom] fails to build on Windows with mingw32
      * 529707 : [rtp] fails to build on Windows with mingw32
      * 530886 : Support more mpeg2 variants in .mov files
      * 531532 : rtspsrc leaks filedescriptors when gst_rtspsrc_open fails
      * 531672 : [qtdemux] does not handle files with edit lists correctly...
      * 532295 : gconf setting default audio sink to video default visualizer
      * 532393 : [dvdec] Shouldn't be GST_RANK_PRIMARY
      * 532409 : RTP payload/depayloader for G.729
      * 532423 : RTP payload/depayloader for DV
      * 533264 : Make v4l2 compile without X
      * 533619 : udpsink dies when Linux fails (for no reason) sendto() wi...
      * 535121 : [videomixer] proper seek/segment handling
      * 535300 : [avidemux] missing support for reverse playback.
      * 535935 : [qtdemux] Missing metadata
      * 536228 : [PLUGIN-MOVE] Move interleave/deinterleave to gst-plugins...
      * 536317 : [v4l2src] Doesn't compile with latest git kernel
      * 536646 : v4l2src doesn't pick the optimal resolution
      * 536831 : v4l2src == non-experimental
      * 536903 : udpsrc now assumes one is using multicast
      * 537021 : [cdio] does not extract album title from CD-TEXT
      * 537031 : Enhancement to SunAudio mixer plugin
      * 537361 : videomixer segment handler fail
      * 537377 : Gstreamer avidemux fails on avi files with non-AV data st...
      * 537622 : [matroskademux] Doesn't export covers (file attachments)
      * 537675 : rtp vorbis/theora payloader static caps don't specify del...
      * 537832 : rtsp is broken
      * 539372 : udpsrc do not set port properly on anonymous binding
      * 539548 : [udpsrc] Fails to bind with permission denied when trying...
      * 540067 : souphttpsrc does not support http authentication
      * 540300 : [souphttpsrc] souphttpsrc does not seek ahead in http stream
      * 540940 : Quicktime demuxer does not handle dirac in QT files
      * 541081 : [v4l2src] Doesn't compile with on old kernel
      * 541384 : cross mingw32 gcc: making goom compile
      * 541412 : cross mingw32 gcc: making libgstrtp plugin compile
      * 541650 : udpsrc fails to parse URI with IPv6 address
      * 541956 : v4l2src only requests interlaced video 
      * 542410 : qtdemux not recognizing pcm 8bit streams correctly
      * 543054 : [osxvideosink] minor build issue
      * 543255 : -Wno-attributes does not exist in every gcc version
      * 543259 : warning in gstv4l2src.c due to an uninitialized variable
      * 543300 : [qtdemux] [PATCH] wrong depth in RLE video caps and wrong...
      * 544509 : [qtdemux] Regression in segment.stop
      * 539482 : [avidemux] Doesn't parse vprp ODML header
      * 544433 : Some -good plugins aren't buildable with MSVC
      * 536994 : Improve v4l2src negotiation a bit more
      * 329198 : GStreamer-CRITICAL: gst_pad_activate_pull: assertion `old...
      * 532065 : Implement RTSP Digest authentication
      * 533287 : Mapping of mime types to gst names in multipartdemux
      * 538891 : G.726 pay/depayloader is missing

Changes since 0.10.7:
      * The libsoup based http source moved from the -bad module and
        was raised to primary rank
      * GOOM visualisation plugin updated to Goom2k4
      * Fixes in UDP, RTSP, matroska, QT/mov, AVI, v4l2, OS/X, SunAudio,
        mulaw and wavpack
      * New gdkpixbuf output for snapshotting
      * Various other bug-fixes

Bugs fixed since 0.10.7:
      * 516509 : build failure on Solaris, CFLAGS not valid...
      * 515978 : [ladspa] Should be removed from -good until it's ready to...
      * 516649 : [v4l2src] tries to VIDIOC_S_PARM without checking capabil...
      * 517237 : [rtspsrc] Better error when bandwidth is too small
      * 517933 : [tests] trivial C89 fix
      * 518188 : [spectrum] " message " property documentation unclear
      * 518213 : [goom2k4] artefacts on x86-64
      * 518564 : goom dies with illegal instruction
      * 519088 : gst_mulawdec_chain() may call gst_util_uint64_scale_int()...
      * 519417 : Unable to modify DEFAULT_VIDEOSRC in configure
      * 520073 : [goom] (goom2k4) shows mostly black frames
      * 520764 : double buffer unref in speexenc error handling
      * 520880 : audiofx doesn't build on Windows/MSVC
      * 520888 : udpsrc has some issues on Windows
      * 521102 : h.263+ rtp depayloader crashes on short payloads
      * 521875 : [osssrc] recording corrupts upon _get_caps
      * 522278 : Problem with " movq " at file gst-plugins-good/gst/goom/xmmx.c
      * 522767 : [goom] does not build on ppc
      * 523124 : [PLUGIN-MOVE] move souphttpsrc from -bad to -good
      * 523134 : osxvideosink does not stop when you control-C
      * 524593 : [sunaudio] fix mixer track range
      * 525359 : [alaw] [mulaw] Use gst_pad_alloc_buffer_and_set_caps to c...
      * 525833 : [halaudiosrc] unable to get mic USB working with gnome-so...
      * 525860 : [sunaudio] copyright fixes
      * 525946 : [gdkpixbuf] add gdkpixbufsink element
      * 526557 : [matroskademux] seeking regression in CVS
      * 527848 : [souphttpsrc] Give souphttpsrc PRIMARY rank
      * 527984 : Doesn't dist all m4 files needed by
      * 527999 : [goom] Doesn't dist goomsl.h
      * 528143 : [goom] fails to build on 32-bit ppc
      * 528615 : Hide goom2k4 logo
      * 529268 : [goom] States unit test exposes some memory leaks

Changes since 0.10.6:
      * 8 months of frenetic development
      * Massive RTSP/RTP improvements
      * Fixes in pngdec, gdkpixbufdec, wavpackparse, wavpackdec, smokeenc,
        mulawdec, alwdec, id3demux
      * More Fixes in matroskademux, udpsrc, apedemux, flacenc, avimux,
      * V4L2 support improved
      * Fixes for OS/X and Windows video/audio sources and sinks
      * Support more formats in QT files
      * Elements moved from gst-plugins-bad: equalizer, lpwsinc (now
        audiowsinclimit), bpwsinc (now audiowsincband), spectrum,
      * New audio effects: High/Low/Band-pass filters
      * Many, many other fixes

Bugs fixed since 0.10.6:
      * 415627 : [PLUGIN-MOVE] move equalizer to good
      * 463624 : [PATCH] avimux: mismatch in ODML tag numbering
      * 347848 : [id3v2mux] add support for DiscID tags
      * 348085 : [PLUGIN-MOVE] move spectrum to good
      * 351726 : [rtspsrc] Force to send on periodic time new rtsp play co...
      * 358841 : [dv1394src] should have property probe
      * 417420 : [autoaudiosink] add " caps " property to filter sinks by caps
      * 427573 : [osxaudiosrc] segmentation fault
      * 435435 : [alaw] use tables for ALAW (G.711) encoding and decoding
      * 442034 : [avi] add support for subtitle streams (GAB2)
      * 447000 : [id3demux] add support for reading license URL from WCOP tag
      * 448278 : [v4l2src] several issues in cvs
      * 449747 : Function parameter mismatch breaks build on Solaris.
      * 450190 : [PATCH] v4l2src set_capture (parameters) fails
      * 450878 : Missing files in po/
      * 451249 : Integer type mismatch in gstrtspsrc.c
      * 451388 : [v4l2src] Could not negotiate format
      * 453037 : rtpilbcpayloader encoding-name field mismatch
      * 453417 : [matroskademux] support palette info for VobSub stream
      * 453630 : Rtspsrc invokes GST_ELEMENT_ERROR in eos when streaming o...
      * 455086 : [cairotextoverlay] ignores the size in font-desc property
      * 455808 : rtspsrc deadlocks on pause
      * 457097 : [faad] " setting caps on pad failed " with BMJ113 mov
      * 461600 : Some files missing from
      * 464475 : the mode property if the caps of rtpilbc*pay should be of...
      * 464800 : [audiofx] New elements: chebyshev low/highpass and bandpa...
      * 465040 : [RTP] h263ppay should allow h263 caps on sink
      * 465774 : qt video does not play, but can be seeked
      * 467214 : Could not get buffers from device '/dev/video0'
      * 467666 : [ELEMENT-MOVE] Move lpwsinc and bpwsinc to gst-plugins-good
      * 470502 : Ricoh Webcam not working
      * 471364 : [gconf] Internal GStreamer error: state change failed on ...
      * 471823 : [v4l2src] Fails to negotiate capabilities with Macbook Pr...
      * 473670 : [qtdemux] invalid utf8 in tags causes warnings
      * 474616 : [rtph263pay] RTP headers are wrong for win32
      * 475424 : [v4l2] uvcvideo Macbook iSight webcam not working (regres...
      * 477199 : Linux-UVC webcams not working
      * 477456 : [v4l2src] my webcam is not working anymore
      * 479960 : qtdemux is missing fourcc for mpeg2 HDV streams (HDV2. HDV3)
      * 480557 : [v4l2src] Nasty segfault (with broken driver?)
      * 482495 : avimux does not accept audio/aac
      * 484998 : [mulawdec] not-negotiated error playing a sun audio (au) ...
      * 485828 : [v4l2src] Fixates to lowest resolution on new kernels
      * 487488 : udpsrc errors
      * 487563 : Payloader for H264 not marking packets
      * 488112 : [id3demux] extract ID3v2 WOAF frame
      * 488844 : Free GstBuffer with gst_buffer_unref() in gst_rtp_mp4v_pa...
      * 488879 : [videomixer] implement GstChildProxy interface
      * 489940 : [gdkpixbufdec] gst_value_set_fraction: assertion 'denomin...
      * 490034 : [v4l2src] " could not get buffers from device " 
      * 490283 : [multifilsrc] move to -good
      * 491323 : Extend RTP MPEG-TS payloader to handle large RTP payload ...
      * 492388 : Build issues on Windows/MSVC
      * 496752 : [rtspsrc] leaks memory
      * 496773 : [rtspsrc] leaks SDP messages
      * 496983 : [PATCH] rtspsrc leaks pads
      * 497007 : [PATCH] rtspsrc leaks RTSP messages in SETUP
      * 497017 : [PATCH] H.264 RTP depayloader leaks memory in setcaps
      * 497292 : gsttextoverlay compile problem in MSVC
      * 497293 : gsttimeoverlay compile error in win32
      * 498181 : Recent change to gst-plugins-base breaks gst-plugins-good
      * 498297 : [v4l2src] put real supported resolutions in caps instead ...
      * 498395 : [pngenc] leaks buffer data memory
      * 498715 : GStreamer fails to decode MPEG1 Video RTP streams when gs...
      * 499178 : unexpected not negotiated and other weird beharviours
      * 499239 : gstrtpmp4adepay
      * 499383 : [rtph263depay] Doesn't read I-frame information from rtp ...
      * 500403 : [PATCH] videobox element doesn't init liboil
      * 501775 : [wavparse] regression in CVS: seeking is broken
      * 502655 : [avimux] creates corrupt avi files (wrong stream numbering)
      * 502814 : Adds profile (hex string), sps and pps (base64 encoded) i...
      * 502966 : GStreamer segfaults when videobox is introduced into a sp...
      * 503023 : Let multipartdemux work in live mode.
      * 504018 : flacdec emits newsegment before being able to respond to ...
      * 504081 : [matroskamux] support for live sources (calculate duratio...
      * 504895 : Build fails:  gst/check/gstcheck.h: No such file or direc...
      * 505745 : [avidemux] warning: 'res' may be used uninitialized in th...
      * 506025 : RTSPsrc doesn't handle redirects.
      * 506715 : [PATCH] [flacdec] PICTURE blocks should be retrieved as m...
      * 507642 : v4l2src Crash - Size 4156 is not a multiple of unit size ...
      * 508644 : The clockrate for theora payloading should always be 90000
      * 509298 : Compilation errors in gstavisubtitle.c and gstrtspsrc.c w...
      * 509301 : [flacdec] CVS does not compile against flac-1.1.2
      * 509531 : Make the auto-join/auto-leaving of a multicast group opti...
      * 510505 : changes to make v4l plugin build on solaris
      * 510592 : Race condition in WAVE parser
      * 513628 : [flacdec] Decoding of PICTURE blocks is always disabled b...
      * 514397 : matroskademux does not mark delta units
      * 514573 : multipartmux memory leak
      * 514889 : Bogus output from RTP data test
      * 514965 : Possible buffer leaks if last_write_result != GST_FLOW_OK...
      * 515457 : [audiofx] Element long descriptions are broken
      * 515562 : [avidemux] Seeking broken in
      * 515697 : [multifile] Several memory leaks exposed by unit test
      * 515701 : [smoke] Several valgrind warnings exposed by unit test
      * 515703 : [avisubtitle] Several valgrind warnings with unit test (g...
      * 515704 : [gconf] Memory leak when creation of pipeline fails
      * 515706 : [ximagesrc] Memory leak when XDamage support is available
      * 515905 : gst-error.m4 needs no%E_MACRO_REDEFINED on Solaris
      * 515979 : [efence] Doesn't chain up finalize properly
      * 515980 : [directdraw] Does not chain up finalize functions properly
      * 515984 : [v4l] Does not chain up finalize functions properly
      * 515985 : [ximagesrc] regression when using damage
      * 516371 : does not build without xml usage
      * 516524 : uninitialized variables
      * 517386 : [alpha] Doesn't link with libgstbase
      * 508291 : [id3demux] must check if language code in id3v2 COMM fram...
      * 491811 : Rename audiochebyshevfreq* to audiocheb*
      * 447961 : [rtsp] do not store a reference to the result from inet_n...
      * 475784 : rtspsrc has race condition between loop_interleaved() and...
      * 478244 : rtpamrdepay make no playable stream
      * 480707 : Memory leak : gstrtpmp4vpay :  config buffer is leaked
      * 502187 : flacdec doesn't send newsegment from the streaming thread
      * 509329 : [rtspsrc] use atoll when parsing rtptime
      * 512544 : preallocate output buffer in pngenc

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