gtk+ 2.13.3

       Module: gtk+
      Version: 2.13.3
  Uploaded by: Matthias Clasen
  md5sum: 6c2912e63dd491302f01026cc8130415
 sha1sum: 8a8fa0b0832c149c70c5cfc427b31bfff5f05f08
    size: 24M
  md5sum: 4191b1f3d6239424556ebf2a92250ef6
 sha1sum: c9832918aa19a34be6961024b61294c160ff8097
    size: 16M


Overview of Changes from GTK+ 2.13.2 to 2.13.3

 * Support runtime font configuration changes
 * Use GIO for mime information

 * Use GIO directly for the file chooser, do not load filesystem
   implementation modules. This change causes some regressions on Win32, 
   which will be addressed by improved Win32 support in GIO.

 * GTK+ no longer uses translations when the application is not
   translated to the current locale
 * Bugs fixed: 
 520874 Should use gio directly
 536185 monitor font configuration
 536757 menus are placed at wrong position
 536990 updateiconcache.c: 'close ()' is redundant 
 535608 do not string-copy accel paths in the menu code
 488119 critical warnings from gtk_tree_view_get_visible_range
 536730 memory corruption in gtktreeview
 131920 gtkNotebook sends incorrect switch_page value
 526987 GtkCellRendererCombo should allow model to be NULL
 536765 GtkComboBox should set COMBO type hint for its menu
 503071 Application direction changes to right to left even if...
 517706 Connecting GtkButton with "use-stock" == FALSE to a...
 519092 Add accessibility support to GtkVolumeButton
 524222 GtkToolbar with mix of buttons with and without icons...
 537985 gtk_init_with_args() doesn't open a display after...
 531960 crash in eog-image.c:1154: (priv->image != NULL)
 408154 Change GtkEntryCompletion max-items to style property...
 506853 gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_[source|dest] problem
 536430 Libs and Cflags paths in are out o...
 537685 print to file crashes when the target can not be written 

* Updated translations:
 Arabic (ar)
 Czech (cs)
 Estonian (et)
 Hebrew (he)
 Norwegian bokmål (nb)
 Thai (th)

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